

  Formerly a Dale focused on mining operations and exploration, shattered by wars with orkish tribes of the Dragonwall mountains, occupation of its plains cities by Daggerdale, and a horrible plague and storm, Scardale was on the brink of destruction. In order to put their dale back on its feet, they have washed their hands of their former capital, the city of Lachom. Lachom is in virtual anarchy with many factions vying for power, but the other major towns of the dale—Scarsdeep and Chandlerscross—are recovering from the disasters that beset Scardale over the last fifty years and are slowly rebuilding the dale’s strength.   “I'm sure ye all remember Lashan's war and the collapse about 50 years ago. Scardale has always been a powerful and wealthy Dale, and it should have been no surprise that sooner or later a lord would arise with dreams of empire. The Scardalesmen are asking for an end to the chaos of their land, and are ready to put the past behind them. But I'll tell ye this: in 50 more years, Scardale will be a threat again. Wars leave wounds that never heal entirely.”  


  Like most of the Dalesfolk, the residents of Scardale were sturdy, salt-of-the-earth types. While many of the towns and villages survived and got along without an overseeing force, or occupied by different military forces, the capital itself is mostly ruins and neighborhoods holding themselves together via a tenuous truce of powerful forces. In the years to follow the capital city would deteriorate into a lawless haven for gangs, criminal organizations, religious cults and agents of malicious intent. Meanwhile, many groups of bandits and brigands, and an enclave of Kymosian Wizards are the most powerful factions in Lachom as of 1200 AC.  


  Prior to the collapse, trade was the driving force in Scardale. During the anarchy, more seedy busines practices such prostitution, extortion and banditry are rampant in Lachom and the surrounding area. The country folk managed to get by with simple bartering but gold is often accepted.

Demography and Population

Population - 271,410 citizens as of 1202 AC


Major Religions - Teseyr, Akades, Goena, Vecna, Babylon
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Economic System
Barter system
Metal Coinage
Major Exports
Exports - Ale, grain, vegetables, raw ore and metal.
Major Imports
Imports - Illicit goods, manufactured goods, oil, magic items and wizards
Neighboring Nations