

  Daggerdale is a remote Dale of dark forests and rocky hills.The folk of the countryside band together in fortified villages, while the people of many western villages are protected by a Zhentarim-sponsored constable. Daggerdale’s rightful ruler, a bard named Randal Morn, leads armies against the Dale’s invaders. Daggerfolk are known to be hard, grim, and unforgiving, largely because of attacks made by elven warbands, as well as recently dragonfolk have been trying to claim their land. Randal Morn leads a group of Daggerfolk occupiers in his homeland and reclaimed his ancestors’ seat. Barely holding his war-torn community together in the face of Draconic aggression, Randal Morn is in no shape to help other dales with their problems.   “A land under siege, that's what Daggerdale is. For decades now they've been fighting off raiders and Zhentarim, and now Dragons? Some of the other Dalesmen believe Daggerdalesmen to be a cruel, surly lot who only got what they deserved but I've never known more courageous and tenacious fighters. All they want is a land free of spies and raiders, and who among ye cannot understand that?”  

Constable of the West

  The proclaimed leader of the Dagger Falls region, and by extension Daggerdale, is a Dalesman and retired adventurer named Tren Noemfor (LE human Fighter 7.) Tren is the town's constable and was put into power by the Zhentish garrison in Dagger Falls. He is a man with few friends, but serves the Zhentarim well. As Dagger Falls’s recognized leader, it is Tren who must keep the peace in the town and fight off raids by Randal Morn and his rebels. His retaliations against Morn sympathizers in the Dagger Falls area have earned him the hatred of the rebels. Tren is basically the military governor of a province under siege. His troops control the area surrounding Dagger Falls, but do not venture farther into the Dale. The control of this region has seriously weakened Daggerdale, causing them to suffer invasions to come.  

Randal Morn

  Daggerdale’s rightful ruler is Randal Morn (NG human Skald 13), an adventurer who is the last survivor of House Morn. The Morns ruled Daggerdale for centuries, until Zhentarim spies deposed them after the fall of Teshendale. As matters stand, three-quarters of the Dale’s countryside and center is under Randal’s control. However, the remainder is the heavily populated area surrounding Dagger Falls. Years of betrayal and invasion have left Zhentish sympathizers in the heart of Morn’s territory, just as he has support in Dagger Falls itself. Randal Morn keeps in touch with the other Dales and sends a representative to the Dales Council. A few years ago, Tren Noemfor sent a delegation to the Council, but they were thrown out with considerable anger by the rest of the Council.  

Law and Order

  Daggerdale's countryside is a lawless area plagued by bandits, monsters, and pillaging mercenaries. Within the fortified towns under Morn’s control, justice is fair but swift and harsh. Looters and brigands are put to death. Zhentish sympathizers are run out of town. In the Dagger Falls area, mercenary patrols and Zhentish warriors keep the peace. As constable, Tren Noemfor is in charge of administering justice. Tren is a clever, ambitious man who may manipulate passing adventurers by imprisoning one of their party and demanding some service in exchange for their freedom.   People suspected of aiding Randal Morn are quickly executed by Tren. His harsh judgments are beginning to turn the populace against him. On the other hand, Randal Morn’s fairness and honesty are winning him more support in the Zhentish-controlled areas.  


  Zunan is a large, stone walled, fortified town directly in the center of Daggerdale, with a large armed force and even more mercenaries and adventurers.   Daggerdale's rural scattered hamlets and villages are usually protected by stout palisades of sharpened timbers. Zhentish patrols are rarely resisted, but the villagers will fiercely resist looters and pillaging mercenaries. In addition, Morn's freedom fighters roam the countryside and often aid the villages under attack.  


  The countryside wants little to do with strangers, but travelers may be able to barter for livestock or produce at individual villages. Dagger Falls receives a few imports of fancy items from Zhentil Keep or unscrupulous merchants, but prices are high and business is not good. The Zhentarim are systematically looting the Dale for everything of value. Large areas have been depopulated as livestock, crops, and even people have been seized and taken back to Zhentil or traded on the Pacjour Sea. The Zhents are also logging the Dale at a dangerous rate.

Demography and Population

Population - 556,500 citizens by 1200 AC


Major Religions - Molotl, Solonar, Harrus, Mehena
Geopolitical, Lordship
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Metal Coinage
Major Exports
Exports - Furs, meats, lumber
Major Imports
Imports - Armor, books, glass, jewelry, metalwork, paper, textiles, weapons
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities