

  The most famous of the Dalelands, Shadowdale's notoriety would appear to be at odds with its pastoral lifestyle. It is a quiet, heavily wooded land of dense forests and prosperous farms and it happens to be home to a surprising number of very powerful and important people. The reputation of Shadowdale’s residents has spread from the Dragon Reach Coast to the farthest reaches of Ekrune. Of all the Dalelands, the land of Shadowdale is the most common stop for parties of adventurers. The town has long looked to adventuring companies for security and leadership. A large number of ancient ruins, access to the Underdark, and hidden treasure caches ensure that most heroes will find something profitable and useful to do in Shadowdale.  

The Lord of Shadowdale

  Shadowdale's ruler is Lord Mourngrym Amcatha (NG human F8), a noble adventurer of Scardale. It is the custom in Shadowdale for the lordship of the Dale to pass to whatever hero or adventurer is deemed most worthy by the retiring lord. Mourngrym was named to his position by the Lord Doust Sulwood (CG human Paladin 12), a powerful Paladin, known for his many defeats of drow raiders and monsters. Mourngrym is a courageous, responsible man who has ruled well and wisely during his tenure as Lord of Shadowdale. Several years ago, he married Shaerl Rowanmantle, a noble lady of Daggerdale who was originally sent to keep an eye on him. The two have a young son. Mournygrym is a very popular and well loved ruler. The emblem of the rightful lordship of the Dale is the Pendant of Blackfeather, a magical necklace that has been handed down since the time of Shadowdale’s first human ruler. A few years ago, the Pendant was taken from the Mourngrym by the Zhentarim, and a group of adventurers led an assault on Zhentarim Keep to retrieve it. They held the Pendant in safe keeping for a short period before finally sending it back to the Dale.  


  Shadowdale's first and foremost line of defense lies in the powerful heroes who make the Dale their home. While extremely powerful wizards and god-chosen noble knights may not be around at any given time, few troublemakers want to take a chance that they are at home. Large numbers of less famous adventurers constantly pass through the nation, spoiling for an evil band to hunt down or a horrible monster to defeat. Shadowdale is also home to the strongest keep in the Dalelands, the Twisted Tower of Blackfeather Lake. The Tower is nearly 1,600 years old and was built by the original drow rulers of the land. When Shadowdale was settled, the Tower became the seat of the Lords of Shadowdale.   The Twisted Tower features an aerial landing stage and stalls for several hippogriffs. Several of the guards and members of Mourngrym’s court are proficient in airborne riding, and overfly the Dale’s outlying areas to scout out trouble and keep an eye on things.  


  Compared to some of the other Dales, Shadowdale is not very big. Featherdale and Mistdale grow and sell far more food than Shadowdale, and more urban lands such as Tassdale or Archendale see much more craftwork and trade. However, Shadowdale is not as isolated as Daggerdale or High Dale. A lot of traffic passes through the Dale along the road, and the folk of Shadowdale sell their produce to both Calishite and Chondathan merchants.

Demography and Population

Population - 410,500 citizens as of 1200 AC


Major Religions - The Seven, Chauntea, Harrus, Molotl, Baara, Khemed
Geopolitical, Lordship
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Economic System
Metal Coinage
Major Exports
Exports - Ale, looted magic items, produce, adventurers
Major Imports
Imports - Jewelry, manufactured goods, ores
Neighboring Nations