

  Known as a quiet, orderly land of sturdy farmers and good rulers, Mistledale is counted with Featherdale and Shadowdale as a leader of the good Dalelands. The people are friendly and open, and are free of the problems that trouble many other Dales. Adventurers often find Mistledale to be a somewhat boring place.   Thousands of years ago, the heavens ensured Mistdale’s future prosperity when a falling star plowed a two-hundred-mile-long, thirty mile-wide swath through the elven woods. The trees never regrew in the scar where the star had fallen, but the land proved amazingly fertile once Dalesfolk put it to the plow. Mistdale has always been the lucky dale—blessed with fertile land, protected from foes such as the Elves by intervening dales, and occupying excellent trade routes between larger areas like Calimshan and the Pacjour Sea.   It is very flat compared to its neighbors, and its rolling plains are broken only by the occasional copse or thicket. The folk of Mistdale never cleared this land; even in the days of the colonies this was a region of open grassland.   “Of all the Dales, no two are closer in temperament and way of life than Shadowdale and Mistdale. While Shadowdale has been through invasion and pretenders to the throne, Mistdale has been a mirror image of what Shadowdale is like at peace. Since the rule of Doust Sulwood in Shadowdale, Mistdale has been as true a neighbor and ally as you could wish for. Ye should go visit them sometime, they’re good folk.”

The Council of Five

  Mistledale is ruled by the Council of Five, a group of representatives who are informally elected. The councilors come from all corners of the Dale, and are usually clan leaders, village heads, or important gentleman farmers. The council only meets once every three months, since most of the councilors have duties back at their homes.   The five councilors choose a high councilor to remain in Brost all year long. The high councilor can look after routine matters of administration and low justice, but is expected to call the rest of the council together for a special session if anything important comes up.   Currently, the high councilor is a merchant of Brost named Haresk Malorn (LG human Expert 3). Haresk is a well-liked individual noted for his wisdom and honesty. As high councilor, Haresk holds the Rod of Peldan, a black scepter of office that is rumored to have magical powers.   Other members of the Council include:   Ulwen Sharin (LG half wood elf Fighter 3), a graceful and regal gentlelady and landholder. Ulwen is the head of the Sharin freehold, a large and strong farm located in the eastern part of the Dale.   Targen Holdfast (NG human Rogue 7), an ex-adventurer who retired about eight years ago and only recently assumed the responsibilities of a councilman. Targen is a woodsman and trapper of the northern forests, and speaks for many of the farriers and loggers of the area.   Sister Alena (LG halfling Cleric 5) a young and zealous priestess who represents the Abbey of the Golden Sheaf (a church of Chauntea). Alena leans towards fanaticism at times and troubles the other council members with her insistence on observing Chauntea’s rites and prayers.   Dumic the Red (CG human Fighter 4), a large and loud man with a great store of common sense and hidden wisdom. Dumic is a rancher of the western glens.  

Law and Order

  Mistdale combines its first line of defense with its police force, the famous Riders of Mistdale. There are many Riders, and they are empowered to keep the peace in the land and defend Mistledale from outsiders. A Rider may take criminals into custody, but cannot try or sentence an offender; only the High Councilor’s court may pass judgment. However, the threat of being inconvenienced by a trip to Brost is usually enough to convince countryfolk to resolve matters before formally involving a Rider.   The Riders usually operate in small groups, leading patrols of militia (see Defenses.) The Riders wear black, lacquered plate armor emblazoned with the white horse insignia of Mistdale. All Riders are fighters, rangers, or paladins of levels 3 to 6.   The high councillor can pronounce sentence on any crime except murder or armed robbery. For those offenses, he must call the entire Council of Six to sit in judgment. Such tribunals are very rare, with very few cases in the last two years.  


  As noted above, Mistdale’s Riders function not only as constables but as elite soldiers too. They vigorously patrol the Dale and the main roads, from the Road Curve all the way to Shadow River. The Riders also patrol the woods bordering the Dale, now that the elves have moved East. The Riders are assisted by a well-armed and well trained mounted militia. All young men and women are offered the chance to join when they turn 18. If they accept, they agree to serve three months per year for the next 10 years. Mistledale is a widely spread dale. Its small settlements can see each other across the gently rolling hills, except in the mornings and evenings when mist from the river rises to fill the valley. For communication across the dale, each hamlet is equipped with special bells designed to penetrate the fog. Each bell carries different messages of alarm or inquiry. These sounds are understood by long-term residents of the dale but a mystery to outsiders.  


  Brost is an important trade town in the Dalelands. Mistdale’s farmers come here to sell produce to Calishite merchants, while buying textiles and manufactured items from the large cities. Mistdale is a breadbasket of grain, hay, potatoes, beets, and vegetables with plenty of room left over for large herds of cattle and sheep.

Demography and Population

Population - 458,760 citizens as of 1200 AC


Major Religions - Molotl, Chauntea, Solonar, Harrus, Mehena
Geopolitical, Republic
Ruling Organization
Government System
Economic System
Metal Coinage
Major Exports
Exports - Ale, beets, cheese, grain, hay, meat, potatoes, vegetables
Major Imports
Imports - Manufactured items, oil, ores, textiles
Neighboring Nations