Solonar (So-lo-nar)


  Son of Rillifane. Solonor is always in pursuit of a quarry, and he rarely remains in one location for very long. Unlike many hunters, the Great Archer stalks prey only out of concern for the overall balance between the species and to destroy evil-doers, particularly the drow. His serious, sometimes grim, demeanor reflects the difficulty he faces in forging a workable compromise between the competing forces of civilization and wilderness, instinct and knowledge, and savagery and domesticity. Solonor’s word is his bond, and his pledge is never given lightly. Solonor does not close to do battle with an enemy, but tracks and pursues instead, firing arrows from a never-empty quiver.  

Portfolio and Responsibilities

  He is a god whose portfolio includes archery, hunting, and wilderness survival. The church of Solonor is a disparate one, with little communication among groups of clerics except to exchange information. Solonor’s clerics serve as scouts and archers in elven armies, as bowyers, fletchers, archery instructors in elven settlements, and as hunters and providers for far-flung rural communities.

Divine Domains

Animal (Including Fur), Plant (Including Growth and Thorns), Strength (Including Competition and Ferocity), Elf, Good

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - Longbow   Holy Animal - Hawk   Holy Colors - Brown, Dark Green   Holy Mineral - None   Holy Symbol - Silver arrow with green fletching

Tenets of Faith

Edicts - Walk in harmony with nature and destroy those who disturb the balance. Hunt only for sustenance, killing only the old and weak from herds.   Anathema - Picking your targets poorly. Sacrifice the wilds and nature for your own benefit.


Solonor’s faithful generally eschew frivolous celebrations, considering them unnecessary distractions to the tasks at hand. Once per month, under the soft light of the Cradle, the Great Archer’s faithful assemble to give thanks for the skills Solonor has taught and the bounty thus provided. Hunters sacrifice hunting trophies that cannot otherwise be employed, and unbroken arrows engraved with the symbol of Solonor are fired into the sky to allow the light of Solonor’s teachings to shine forth on his people (these arrows are never fired in a direction that would cause them to fall where they might hurt someone, including straight up).  

Example Paladin Codes

By the boundless skies and the winding trails, I swear my allegiance to Solonor, the Great Archer, he who strikes from a distance and upholds the delicate balance of nature. As a paladin devoted to his cause, I vow to:  
  • Just as Solonor hunts for the equilibrium of species, so shall I strive for balance in all things, ensuring neither the wilderness nor civilization takes undue advantage.
  • I will always respect the sanctity of the hunt, taking from nature only what is needed and ensuring the preservation of life's delicate cycle.
  • I will be the arrow that seeks out malevolence, ensuring it finds no place to hide.
  • Like Solonor, once my pledge is given, it is as unyielding as the straightest arrow. I shall never break a promise or betray a trust.
  • Solonor’s gift to the elves, the bow, shall be my weapon, my tool, and my companion. I shall perfect my aim, always striking true, using the never-ending quiver gifted by the divine.
  • Every creature, every plant, every whisper of the wind has a purpose. I will defend the wilds from those who seek to exploit or destroy them recklessly.
  • Like the Great Archer, I recognize that not every battle is won by charging forward. Sometimes, it is the silent, patient pursuit that achieves the greatest victories.

Physical Description

Body Features

In religious depictions, he is often shown as a strong, ginger wild elf with a drawn longbow battling magical beasts and creations of Camir, and is often followed by packs of beasts that help him in his tracking.
Divine Classification
Rank 15 Intermediate Deity
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
“Keen-Eye” or “The Great Archer”
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations