The Clenched Fist

Sponsored and actively supported by the Rundeen—both independent members and the cell leaders—the Clenched Fist is a mercenary company with a reputation for extraordinary zeal in combat. The majority of the members are lower-class warriors and former fighting slaves, all purchased by the Rundeen as a semiprivate army. Numbering well over 300 members, now, the Clenched Fist operates with small bands of eight to twelve warriors under the command of one of the nine senior members. The seniors were part of the original Clenched Fist, a rowdy group of 12 money-hungry warriors and thieves from Nizwarin, who grew to appreciate the amenities of a constant cash flow from the Rundeen. Though they once accepted any job that came their way, the Rundeen purchased the Fist's time, itself, and assigned them to specific tasks like employees. The Fists are typically given maps of local dungeons and told to plunder them, then give the Rundeen half the spoils in trade for weapons, armor, and intelligence. Within a few years, the Clenched Fist has expanded quickly as the members grow in experience and begin to attract more followers.
Guild, Adventuring
Parent Organization