The Dread Vault

At the very fiery core of Aralla, a prison exists, far below and past the Maw. Connected to the surface through the Pit of Goena, a 200 mile diameter pit in the Whispering Expanse. During the Calamity, Goena turned against her family and sided with Callus Starbane, and for this absolute betrayal her brother Harrus battled her for a month, destroying much of the land of Ekrune in the process. Even after she cut off his hand and wounded him severely, Harrus still could not bring himself to kill her, and with his remaining hand, punched her into the earth itself all the way to the world’s core. The Lawful Gods gathered and imprisoned her there. The prison is said to appear as a massive faceted topaz that traps the Dark Sun inside it, like an ancient insect caught in amber. It is circled by rings of black iron and inscribed with binding runes. Even though it is visible to those capable of surviving the incredible heat and pressure found at Aralla's core, it is impossible to leave once entered. Keys were split among all of the lawful native gods, and legends say that only all of the keys together could open the seal again, although Babylon has been said to bring those he truly hates to the prison, before kicking them in and leaving.
Dimensional, Pocket