Goena (Go-ena)


  Daughter of Mehena and twin sister of Harrus. She is a petty, self-centered, megalomaniacal deity who holds herself above all other deities. She has an immense following throughout Aralla: The unholy radiance of the Dark Sun draws power-hungry mortals like moths to a flame and then inexorably consumes them. The Princess of Lies delights in spinning webs of deception that lead both mortals and deities to their ruin and pit friends and lovers against one another.  

Portfolio and Responsibilities

  She is a goddess whose portfolio includes murder, lies, intrigue, deception, and illusion. Clerics of the Dark Sun pledge to spread strife and work murder everywhere to make folk fear and believe in Goena. They support rulers with a taste for cruelty and empire-building but indulge in intrigue in every land. They avoid plunging realms into widespread war, which would pay honor only to Akades. At least, this is the ideal Goenaists pay lip service to. In truth, Goenaists spend most of their time scheming against one another, each striving to strengthen his or her personal power in an endless struggle of cabal against cabal. To make matters worse, during her madness Goena spoke often to her faithful clergy, but not with one voice. As they all fear her, and each believes what she says is the One True Way, her words set Goenist temples at cross purposes. Her clerics are at one another's throats as often as they are promoting the defeat of other religions.

Divine Domains

Evil (Including Corruption, Fear, and Demon), Destruction, Maddess (Including Insanity), Trickery (Including Deception, Espionage, and Ambush), Chaos

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - Longsword, Dagger   Holy Animal - Bats   Holy Colors - Dark Purple, Black   Holy Mineral - None  
Holy Symbol - White jawless skull on black or purple sunburst

Tenets of Faith

Edicts - Kill anyone who opposes Goena. Bow down before her supreme power. Fear and obey those in authority, kill those that are weak or good. Kill the clergy of all other faiths, they are false prophets.   Anathema - Break into open rebellion or battle, marching armies will be destroyed by the false gods. Allow people to forget your presence or be unafraid.


Goena's church has few holy days. However, whenever a temple acquires something or someone important enough to sacrifice to Goena, its high cleric declares a Day of the Dark Sun to signify the holiness of the event.  

Meta Information


  In a dimly lit, secluded space, begin by drawing a circle with chalk or ash. Place a longsword and dagger crossed in the center of the circle. Light two black or dark purple candles on either side of the weapons. Kneel within the circle and chant a litany of lies, deceits, or betrayals you have either experienced, perpetuated, or plan to commit. As you speak each lie or betrayal, draw upon the unholy energy of Goena, asking for her favor and guidance in the art of deception and chaos. Once your litany is complete, take the dagger and prick your finger, allowing a few drops of your blood to fall upon the crossed swords. This act serves as a constant reminder of your commitment to the chaos and deception that Goena embodies and a promise to shed more blood in her name. Gain a +4 profane bonus on Bluff checks.  

Divine Boon

1: Liar’s Arcana (Sp) ventriloquism 3/day, misdirection 2/day, or glibness 1/day
2: Madness Reigns (Su) Your mind constantly swirls with dark whispers and disturbing thoughts. You gain a +4 profane bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting (compulsion) spells and effects and against divination spells and effects that attempt to read your thoughts. Anyone who targets you with such a spell or effect must succeed at a Will saving throw (with a DC equal to 10 + your Wisdom modifier + 1/2 your Hit Dice) or take 1d4 points of Wisdom damage.
3: Murderer’s Wrath (Ex)Your training and worship has honed your bloodletting skill with knives, axes, and other cutting implements. If you don’t already have the sneak attack ability, you gain sneak attack +5d6. Whenever you deal sneak attack damage with a slashing weapon, you deal 2 additional points of damage per sneak attack die.  

Example Antipaladin Code

Bound by the intoxicating allure of Goena, the Princess of Lies, I dedicate my essence to the intricate dance of deception and ambition. Under the shadow of the Dark Sun, my path is illuminated by secrets, schemes, and the insatiable thirst for power. I solemnly swear:  
  • To become a master of lies and subterfuge, ensuring that truth remains obscured behind veils of illusion.
  • To manipulate those in positions of influence, ensuring that Goena's will reigns supreme from the shadows.
  • To support rulers with aspirations of cruelty and dominance, steering their actions to further the agenda of the Dark Sun.
  • To embrace the arts of misdirection and mirage, ensuring that reality remains malleable and subjective.
  • To listen intently to Goena's whispers, knowing that in her madness lie layers of truth and intrigue.
  • To challenge any rival Goenist who claims to hold the sole understanding of her will, knowing that the true way is ever-shifting and multi-faceted.

Physical Description

Body Features

She has assumed many guises since her revolt during the Calamity, appearing to her many chosen in completely different forms. However, her true form is believed to be that of a slim woman with blazing dark eyes and chalk-white skin.
Divine Classification
Rank 16 Greater Deity
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
“The Princess of Lies” or “The Dark Sun”
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations