The Master


  The Master, an enigmatic overgod, embodies the essence of observation and guidance. Existing beyond mortal understanding, it transcends the boundaries of space and time, silently watching the unfolding events of creation. Rarely does The Master intervene directly; instead, it subtly influences the paths of heroes and civilizations, nudging them towards their destinies at pivotal moments. Its motivations remain shrouded in mystery, neither wholly benevolent nor malevolent, as it operates according to its inscrutable plans. Followers of The Master are few but devoted, seeking to unravel the secrets of the cosmos and discover their true purpose. Through meditation and interpretation of cryptic signs, they strive to align themselves with The Master's enigmatic will. Symbolized by the all-seeing eye or the intricate web of destiny, The Master's domain encompasses knowledge, fate, and guidance. In the realms, The Master's enigmatic influence shapes destiny, leaving mortals to ponder its mysterious guidance.  

Divine Domains

Knowledge (all subdomains), Luck (all subdomains), Travel (all subdomain), Magic (all subdomains), Void (all subdomains).  

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - None   Holy Animal - None   Holy Colors - None   Holy Mineral - None   Holy Symbol - 20 Sided Dice  

Tenets of Faith

Edicts - Embrace your fate, find solace in silence, learn and observe without bias   Anathema - Blashpheme the Master, reject your path, misusing divinations
Divine Classification
Rank 24 Overgod
True Neutral