Vyndahla Family

The Vyndahla clan has long been a puppet of The Rundeen, and the other families of Calimshan know this. Like the Kahmirs, the Vyndahlas had sought to rule Calimshan from below until the Syl-Pasha shattered much of their power. The Vyndahlas have been relegated to the position of the third largest underworld family. The Vyndahlas control the Eradsari and Tamoah families, and indirectly control the Efead and Haedi families through the Tamoahs. They control illegal activities in only Memnon and Grabby's Reach. They have been attempting to restore more power and prestige to their house. They plot with the Rundeen to loosen or break the hold Jukhan yn Jaasima el Rhimod has on Calimshan. The syl-pasha is biding his time until his allies and forces are optimally aligned. He will then eliminate the entire clan and much of the Rundeen power structure, thus teaching the Vyndahla "the lesson they have begged for for years."
Illicit, Cartel