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Church of Resurgent Flame

While it is technically true that the Church of the Resurgent Flame has its roots in Exultism, and that in fact its faithful often still interact more or less amicably with Exult Priests, the core tenants of the faiths could not be more different. Exultism is a faith that strives towards stability and thoughtful order. To Observers of the Flame, these are fine ideals to hold but if they do not follow the path of good and righteousness then they fail to benefit those most in need.   The Flame Church is a faith that believes in the power of redemption, sacrifice, and noble action. Their adherents are taught that bravery and justice are ideals to strive for, and that evil and corruption are forces that must be actively fought. Wrongs are meant to be righted, and the weak are meant to be protected.     Flame churches often maintain a militant presence in the towns in which they exist, with priests and glaives receiving regular training should need of them arise. These militant faithful differ from a community usual defenders--national soldiers, town guard, or the like--in that they are more likely to venture out into the wilds to help someone in need or pursue someone who has committed an injustice. Monasteries can be found near marked routes of travel, where monks and similar adherants keep watch over the travel-ways, guarding them against the ever-present dangers that roam the wilds.    Unlike the Exultist Church, there is no recognized head of the faith. The Lionen monarch is perhaps the closest, as their lineage can be traced back to Faliara Da'alore's bloodline, but they hold no intrinsic authority over the church or the faithful. Overarching decisions regarding church orginization is done by a college of Bishops that resides in the Lionen capital of Auspar. They delegate resources brought together from tithes or otherwise petition for funding from local governments to fund the building of their churches.    Unlike Exultism, which as been established for so long as to be almost a ubiquitous presence in communities, the Flame Church makes practice of sending out missionaries to spread the words and teachings left by Faliara before she left to sacrifice herself.

Divine Origins

The Church of the Resurgent Flame was formed in the wake of the Voidgate War when the Magisters returned to spread the word of the elf Faliara Da'alore's great sacrifice, fulfilling the final prophecy laid out to her years ago. A prophecy that was given to her by a dying Hierojule, an angelic being hooked to a torturer's screen, whose chrome blood was still wet on Faliara's hands. The prophesy foretold that she would gain the burning vision needed to see the evils her people had wrought upon the world, and with that vision, she would bring redemption to those of her people who would listen. And finally, she would end Aramanth's subjugation in a holy baptism of fire.   All these things came to pass. Something in the essence of the dying Hierojule imbued Faliara with the capacity to feel pain, something elves had long since engineered out of themselves with their flesh-warping magics, and with that concept of pain came other emotions long thought excised from the elven psyche by their ever-present god-empress. For the first time, she could comprehend the horrors her people had committed, not just on Aramanth but on hundreds of other worlds. It was then, with tears that burned like fire, she committed herself to undo the evils done by her people.   Whether by the Hierojule's blessing or some internal power Faliara's voice was able to push away the ever-present whispers of the god-empress, and while scores of elves heard her words and rejected her as mad, many still heard her and chose to follow. It took decades of sacrifice and scars inflicted by both her own people whom she fought and the people of Aramanth who rightfully distrusted her. Finally, however, she was able to show the people that she was there to right the wrongs of her people.   The remaining decades of Faliara's life were spent both fighting endlessly to save every life she could and striving to establish a home for her elven followers. It was her deep desire, one outshined only by her need for repentance, to see her followers given a chance at a nice life born free of the evils that had been fused into them. It was a daily struggle for both her and the elves who chose to come with her. Some chose to turn their backs on the pledge to her, and it was with boiling tears that she hunted each one down and slew them with her own blade.   It was during these years that the teachings that would eventually become the core tenants of the Flame Church would be recorded. There were scant few of them, at least in comparison to the seemingly endless reams of Exultist writings, but each conversation and sermon were collected and seen as intrinsic to the church's eventual faith.

In the Martyr's Name, May Justice be Done.

Founding Date
40 FE
Alternative Names
Flame Church
Fire Keeper
By the holy martyr's grace I meet this day, And prepare myself for my struggle anew. Where once my soul was darkness, The flames of your spirit have illuminated me. Give me the strength to resist temptation, And let not the dark whispers cloud my mind. As your burning tears fell for your children, So shall I weep blood to remember your covenant. May the Increate's wisdom permeate me, And through pain may I know good from evil. I shall forever stand against inequity as you did, And always lead others into the light.  
-Resurgant Flame Morning Prayer


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