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There is an old saying that "The soul of the gnomes originates in dreams." For these strange and elusive people, they mean this quite literally, for the gnomes believe their race was formed from a long-ago transient dream of a likewise slumbering Ancient.   Gnomes are slight creatures, half as tall as a human, with skin, hair, and eyes that can range across the most vibrant of colors. They have extremely expressive faces, with overlarge mouths, eyes, and twice the facial muscles than other races.   The most notable thing about gnomes, however, is their own dreams. Every dream for a gnome is a lucid one, a realm they can shape and explore called the "Elder Dream" and is space one they can control and manipulate at their will. For gnomes, the world of dreams is as real as the waking one, and it is all too common for gnomes to believe the former is more real than the latter. The fact that only through dreams that gnomes can procreate does little to dissuade them of this notion.   Because of this, gnomes on the whole tend to be eccentric with minds that are prone to wander and a general disregard for their own wellbeing. Their general uncertainty about reality in general means it is difficult for some of them to fully conceptualize their own mortality.  

Alternate Rules

  Aramanthian Gnomes are entrenched in the lore of the Ancients, and some believe their power runs through their very souls. Replace the following abilities:  
  • Artificer's Lore. Replace this ability with Ancient's Lore. Whenever you make a Knowledge(Arcana) check with regards to Oldtek or similar phenomena regarding the Ancients, you can add twice your proficiency bonus, instead of any proficiency bonus you normally apply.
  • Tinker. Replace this ability with Odd. Once per Long Rest, you have the ability to spend an hour and a DC 12 Knowledge (Arcana) check to produce an oddity. This item is found through scavenging the surrounding area, piecing it together from bits of drit or broken tek, pulling it from another dimension, or even manifest it from a dream. This oddity ceases to function, either breaking apart, dissolving back where it came from, or otherwise just disappearing after 24 hours unless (unless you spend 1 hour maintaining it to keep the device functioning and a part of your reality), ar when you use your action to dismantle it. You can have one such device active at a time.

Civilization and Culture

Courtship Ideals

Gnomes do not reproduce in the flesh, rather they meld together with their mate within the world of dream. They believe this melding calls forth a new soul from the fabric of the Elder Dream to germinate in the womb of the mother.

Average Technological Level

Gnomes have little fear of tek and are often found exploring it. Ruins of the Ancients, cyphers, relics, iron flesh, none of these are to be feard for gnomes. That said, their interest in these things is often something of a religious nature, owing to their beliefs towards the Ancients, and rarely does it result in any meaningful societal advancement for them.


Gnomes have always held an affinity towards the Ancients. They do not fear them or the effects they have had on the world as most races do, though often this had been to their downfall. Gnomes are immune to the innate poisonous nature of the wastelands, and often form communities in or near them to better explore or study their lore.     Gnomes have rarely formed nations, and have none existing at present. Due to the remote and often dangerous nature of the locations, few people visit gnomish communities, and most gnomes are found our in the wilderness or in cosmopolitan settings.
400 years
Average Height
3.5 feet
Average Weight
40 lbs


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