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The goblinoids are a collection of races that were created by the elves through fleshwarping magic. They are a distillation, imagination, and sometimes distortion of the various races present on Aramanth when they invaded. For much of the Voidgate War these goblinoids existed as mind locked slaves, with no independent thoughts, fighting at the best of their elven commanders. One by one, though, each of the races shook off this mental slavery to become independent, free-thinking races.   All goblinoids are played with the associated stats linked from their names.  


The first of the races to rebel and earn their freedom, goblin were created to be speedy, viscous scouts, swarming their opponents with sheer numbers. They were created from gnomes, twisting them into nimble, ferocious little things. Goblin freedom would come from this same race, however.   The elves dispatched a large group of goblins to ravage the independent countryside in the northern part of Falen, and it was there the invaded a gnomish community lead by a psion telepath. Sensing their shared ancestry, the telepath shattered the goblin's mental enslavement by imparting into them a sliver of his own madness in the form of a mnemetic weapon--a semi-sentient idea that travels from mind to mind infecting and potentially killing their hosts. The mnemetic weapon spread among the goblin warbands, the tiny beings spouting the deadly phrase in the first words they'd ever spoken. THe weapon fought with the elven mind locks, ultimately ending with each canceling the other. The result was a race free, but bearing minds scarred by a gnomish madness.   The mnemetic weapon died ninth goblins, but its remnants remained in their minds, and they were able to use the fragmented ideas left in their collective consciousness to free their brethren. Today goblins can be found in some cities, though mostly the collect together in the vast wilderness. Many still bear the scars of mandess, a few dangerously so, for they can draw up those nonsenical fragments in their head to damage others purposefully or by accident.   ALTERED RULES The goblins of Aramanth exist as written save for the following changes.
  • Fury of the Small, replace with Maddening Chatter. Starting at third level a goblin can inflict Tasha's Hideous Laughter upon someone simply by allowing her speech to devolve into the toxic gibberish that is the leftover fragments of the nmemetic weapon that freed their ancestors many years ago.


Humans and orcs formed the base for the hobgolbin race, the elves attempt to refine both races into something artistically pleasing to them. They marched them forth like toy soldiers, using them as fodder against the armies of western Falen. It was the Animists of Lorstray, who saw a soul even in these creatures made to be literal automatons of flesh. During the decades-long gorilla war fuaght in the Lorstray homeland in the Ba-Adenu Forest several wounded hobgoblins were recovered and nursed back to health. With kindness and patience, the Lorstaian sages found that spark of awareness and slowly strengthened it, teaching those first hobgoblins the mental tools they would need to fight off the elves control. One by one the hobgoblins shared these tools with one another, cracking the invisible locks keeping them in bondage. By the time the elves figured out they had lost control of their toys, the hobgoblins had slaughtered an entire elven staging area.   Rules for Hobgoblins mirror those presented in the above link save for alignment, which tends towards lawful neutral.  


For bugbears the elves did something they were especially proud of. They took dwarves and warped them so fundamentally, creating a large creature that moved like the wind and hide in spaces seemingly impossible for it to fit. They desired for these creatures to be sources of horror to the inhabitants of Aramanth, and as such needed to instill as much cunning and sadistic bloodlust in them as they could. This presented a problem, however, in that mindless slaves made for poor sadistic hunters. Their solution was a simple one, allow the mind control of the bugbears to naturally fade, but fully the dwarven means of reproducing, preventing the bugbears from from breeding and forming homes outside of their control. To further ensure this, they made the bugbears sexless, so that there would not even be the chance of their creations getting away from them.   Unfortunately, elves had a tendency to underestimate the chaotic nature of Aramanth, and when their bugbears took an extended paths over Ancients' wastelands, eventually one found itself bestowed with a mutation that allowed them to reproduce asexually through an excruciating and disgusting form of budding. While many bugbears continued to fight and pass in the service of the lives until their defeat at the end of the war, by this time there were hundreds of bugbears free of their mental chains, all formed from their single mutated forebear.   Rules for Bugbears mirror those presented in the above link save for the bugbear's unique reproductive cycle.


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