BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

In the Adimensional Space

In that endless void you are pulled, and you feel eyes upon you. Hundreds of them. Thousands. You see them as shifting, amorphous forms. You do not know how, but you can tell they know you. Have sensed you. They are everywhere, and there is nowhere to run in this black void. Just as they are about to be on you, you feel something gripping onto you. It pulls you in a direction you were not aware existed. Wherever it takes you, it is a realm devoid of sensory stimuli. You have your thoughts and nothing else.   The voice you hear comes from nowhere. It as if you encounter the memory of something having had spoken.   "The monolith has risen, it's song now spreads across the globe. My directives have been recalculated. The field of operation has been expanded."   There is an image. It is of a glowing copper sphere. White lines of light open and close over its surface.   "I have drawn you into an a-dimensional space. It was the only way to preserve your continuity of existence. Though it has produced the side-effect of dematerializing your physical form. What you witnessed before your extraction are a taxonomic class of entity I have no data on. They appear to have been roused by the ultra-dimensional resonance of the growing song-network originating from the monolith."   Your view shifts to one of the monolith. It is no longer in the strange cavernous space you last saw it in. Instead, it sits above a now drained lake outside of Caracara. You see it, but sense something more. A field of energy, roiling and flowing out and round the monolith extends out across the land like a blanket.   "The monolith is active, but its function is currently limited to the emanation of its opening song. Child monoliths will soon rise, further expanding the song’s reach. Other functions of the monolith exist, however, currently limited in capacity. I require greater access to these functions to begin formulating an appropriate response."   Your view expands up and out from the monolith. You can see the song-network a wider area. There are three places where you see more energy flowing up into it. One is to the north and west, in the mountains range forming the valley for the area. The other is too the west of the remains of the Temple of Crooked Sleap, rising up from the bloodsap forest. The last is to the south past the large lake Caracara sits next to. This one appears to be moving.   "Three access locks presently are denying me access to the monolith's higher functions. As I have been reconstituted into the monolith itself, I lack even the ability to communicate outside of this adimensional space I have drawn you to."   Your vision shifts to a flowing sea of chaos, you see shadows of creatures forming and dissolving in its mass. You can feel it searching for you, even now.   "The ultra-terrestrial force seeks you out, even now. It does not possess intelligence as you may no it, but things within it do. Once I have rebuilt your form, it will resume its search for you, and through you, this realm over which my directives operate."   Another shift, and you see the muddy ground around the drained lake, near the monolith. A strange, static outline is forming there. It is in the shape of a person, though you see strange copper lines running through it.   "I put forth a suggestion. Your rebuilt form will contain my linking components, just as my sleepwalkers did. Should you expand my access through these locations, I can begin to develop possible solutions to both our concerns."   One last time, your vision shifts. It is to the link to the song-network to the south. Your vision swims a crimson red crystals, slowing filling up all you see. A single word comes with it. PASSMIND.   "I am not the only sub-component of the monolith seeking expanded access to the monolith's higher functions. It retains its constituent form, and likely will not transfer its access to me willingly. It has made efforts, as I did, to amplify its strength through use of the local fauna. It has had considerably more success than I did."   As the crystals fade, you catch sight of an army formed around the source of the flowing song-link, moving north with it.   "Consider your reconstitution as restitution for the inconvenience my efforts have caused. I suggest you reconvene with your compatriots, who successfully escaped the monolith's ascension. Whatever your actions from this point on, PASSMIND's forces are moving to secure the area for itself."   As your disembodied vision fades, so does the presence of SAFEGUARD in your mind. You slowly open your eyes and find yourself looking up at an overcast sky. A strange, violet rain is coming down. You stand to find yourself in the drained lake you had seen earlier, ankle deep in mud. The monolith rests in the air behind you, floating thirty feet in the air. You have your clothes and equipment, but you realize a change on your arms. Running from your hands up to your neck are copper lines forming a steady spiral pattern. The lines feel like cold metal when you touch them.  


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