BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!



The following mutations do not require any visible changes or distinctions in the character. In other words, people who have these mutations are not obviously recognized as mutants. Most beneficial mutations don’t require an action to use them.     01–05 Strengthened bones: Your Constitution score increases by 2.   06–10 Improved reason: Your Wisdom score increases by 2.   11–15 Improved musculature: Your Strength score increases by 2.   16–20 Improved nervous system: Your Dexterity score increases by 2.   21–25 Improved neural processes: Your Intelligence score increases by 2.   26–30 Thick hide: Your AC can’t be less than 14, regardless of the armor you are wearing.   31–33 Increased lung capacity: Add five to the number of minutes you can hold your breath.   34–36 Adhesion pads: Your hands and feet have naturally adhesive pads. Climbing doesn’t cost you extra movement and you add your proficiency bonus to Strength (Athletics) checks for climbing.   37–39 Slippery skin: You secrete a slippery oil from your skin. You gain advantage on rolls to slip from another’s grip, escape from bonds, squeeze through small openings, and so on.   40–45 Telekinetic shield: You reflexively use telekinesis to ward away attacks. As a reaction (which you take when you are hit by an attack) you can give yourself a +2 bonus to AC against the triggering attack.   46–50 Suggestive voice: Your voice is perfectly modulated for speech. You gain proficiency in Deception and Persuasion.   51–53 Processor dreams: When you sleep, you process information so that after you wake, you have advantage on any Intelligence skill checks held over from the previous day. For example, if you have to determine whether an unknown plant is poisonous, you could “sleep on it” and make the determination the next day with advantage on the Intelligence (Nature) check. If you’re a creature that doesn’t sleep (such as an elf), you gain this benefit after your equivalent of sleeping (elven trance counts as sleep for this purpose).   54–60 Poison resistance: You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.   61–65 Disease resistance: You have advantage on saving throws against disease, and you have resistance against necrotic damage from diseases.   66–70 Fire resistance: You have resistance against fire damage.   71–75 Cold resistance: You have resistance against cold damage.   76–80 Psychic resistance: You have resistance against psychic damage.   81–85 Acid resistance: You have resistance against acid damage.   86–88 Piercing resistance: You have resistance against piercing damage.   89–91 Slashing resistance: You have resistance against slashing damage.   92–94 Bludgeoning resistance: You have resistance against bludgeoning damage.   95–96 No scent: You have no odor. All creatures have disadvantage on using their sense of smell to notice, find, sense, or track you.   97–99 Keen scent: You can sense creatures, objects, and terrain by scent as well as a normal human can by sight. You can detect scents with that degree of accuracy only within 25 feet, but you can sense strong odors from much farther away (far better than a normal human can). Like a hound, you can track creatures by their scent. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.   00 Sense material: You can sense the presence of any single substance within 25 feet, although you don’t learn details or the precise location. You and the GM should work together to determine the substance: water, iron, synth, granite, wood, flesh, salt, and so on. You do not need to concentrate to sense the material.  


Unless noted otherwise, the following mutations are visible, obvious, and grotesque. They offer no benefits, only drawbacks. None of them require you to use an action.   01–10 Deformed leg: Your speed on foot is reduced by 5 feet. You must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw after using the Dash action. If you fail the save, you fall prone.   11–20 Deformed face/appearance: You are deformed or disfigured to the extent that it can’t be easily concealed. You have disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks and advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks.   21–30 Deformed arm/hand: You have disadvantage with any roll requiring you to use that arm or hand (including wielding two-handed weapons).   31–40 Malformed brain: You have disadvantage on all Intelligence checks.   41–45 Mentally vulnerable: You have disadvantage on Intelligence saving throws.   46–50 Slow and lumbering: You have disadvantage on all Dexterity checks.   51–60 Sickly: You have disadvantage on all Constitution saving throws.   61–63 Horrible growth: A large goiter, immobile tendril, or useless extra eye hangs from your face. You have disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks and advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks.   64–66 Useless limb: One of your limbs is unusable or missing. If it’s your arm, you can no longer hold anything with two hands, and you can hold only a single object at a time. If it’s your leg, your speed on foot is halved, you must use a cane or crutch to move unless you have a peg leg or other prosthesis, you fall prone after using the Dash action, and you have disadvantage on Dexterity checks made to balance.   67–71 Useless eye: One of your eyes is unusable or missing. You have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight and on ranged attack rolls.   72–76 Useless ear: One of your ears is unusable or missing. You have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing.   77–84 Weakness in Strength: You have disadvantage on all Strength checks and attack rolls that use your Strength modifier.   85–92 Weakness in Dexterity: You have disadvantage on all Dexterity checks and attack rolls that use your Dexterity modifier.   93–00 Weakness in mind: This affects your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (equal chances). You have disadvantage on all checks and attack rolls using that ability score.  


The following mutations do not require any visible changes in the character until used. People who have these mutations are not obviously recognizable as mutants if they don’t use their powers. Some of these mutations require using an action to activate or use them.   01–05 Darkvision: You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. (Reroll this mutation if you already have darkvision as a trait from your species.) 06–10 No breath: You do not need to breathe.   11–15 No water: You do not need to drink to survive.   16–20 Chameleon skin: Your skin changes colors as you wish. You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill.   21–24 Savage bite: Your mouth is able to open surprisingly wide, revealing hidden, pointed teeth when you wish it. As your action, you can make a bite attack that deals 1d4 piercing damage. Your bite has the finesse and light weapon properties. You have proficiency with this attack.   25–26 Gluey globs: You can produce gluey globs at your fingertips. Climbing doesn’t cost you extra movement and you add your proficiency bonus to Strength (Athletics) checks for climbing. As your action, you can fling these globs as a ranged weapon attack against one creature within 10 feet. If you hit, the target has disadvantage on Strength and Dexterity checks and saves for one round. The globs have the light and thrown weapon properties. You have proficiency with this attack.   27–30 Face dancing: You can alter your features. You add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to create a visual disguise for yourself.   31–35 Sense numenera: As your action, you can sense the presence of a functioning numenera device or numenera ability within 60 feet. You do not learn details or the precise location.   36–44 Hidden stinger: You have a retractable stinger in your hand, elbow, knee, or foot. When you make an unarmed strike with that part of your body, the stinger injects poison into your target. In addition to your unarmed strike damage, a creature hit by the stinger must make a Constitution saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Con modifier) or take 1d4 poison damage.   45–47 Spit needles: You have special glands that make poisoned needles (most creatures with this mutation have the glands in their mouth). As your action, you can spit a needle as a ranged weapon attack at a target within 10 feet. If you hit, the needle deals 1 piercing damage and the target must make a Constitution saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Con modifier) or take 1d4 poison damage. The needles have the light weapon property. You have proficiency with this attack.   48–50 Spit acid: As your action, you can spit acid from your mouth as a ranged weapon attack at one target within 10 feet. If you hit, it deals 1d4 acid damage. You have proficiency with this attack.   51–53 Spit webs: You can make up to 10 feet of a strong, rope-like material each day at the rate of about 1 foot per minute. As your action, you can spit globs of webbing from your mouth as a ranged weapon attack at a target within 10 feet. If you hit, the target has disadvantage on Strength and Dexterity checks and saves for one round. The globs have the light and thrown weapon properties. You have proficiency with this attack.   54–59 Filtered lungs: You have advantage on saving throws against attacks using gas, mist, or vapor. You add double your proficiency bonus to the number of minutes you can hold your breath.   60–62 Electronics-disrupting field: As an action, you can spend one Hit Die to disrupt electronic devices (such as many kinds of numenera items, including automatons). Each device within 10 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Con modifier). Creatures are incapacitated for 1 round if they fail, or have disadvantage for 1 round if they succeed. The effect automatically ends for a device if it is no longer within 10 feet of you.   63–65 Flesh-disrupting field: As an action, you can spend one Hit Die to disrupt flesh. Each creature within 10 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Con modifier). A target takes 1d6 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.   66–68 Thought-disrupting field: As an action, you can spend one Hit Die to disrupt thoughts. Each creature within 10 feet of you must make an Intelligence saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Int modifier). On a successful save, a target has disadvantage on Intelligence checks and saves and takes 1d6 psychic damage on a failed save.   69–70 Magnetic flesh: You attract or repel metal when you desire. Small metal objects cling to you. Climbing on metal doesn’t cost you extra movement and you add your proficiency bonus to climbing rolls on metal. You have advantage on keeping your grip on a metal item. As a reaction (which you take when you are hit by an attack from a metal opponent or metal weapon) you can give yourself a +2 bonus to AC against the triggering attack.   71–73 Gravity negation: As your move, you can spend one Hit Die to negate gravity on yourself for the next 10 minutes. When this is active, you can use your move to concentrate on floating in any direction up to half your basic walking speed. If you don’t use your move to direct your motion, you drift with the wind or with any momentum you have gained.   74–80 Telepathy: As an action, you can spend one Hit Die to make telepathic contact with another creature within 60 feet. Communication is two-way, but the other party must be willing and able to communicate. You don’t have to see the target, but you must know that it’s within range. You can have more than one active contact at once, but you must establish contact with each target individually. Each contact lasts up to 10 minutes. If you spend an additional Hit Die when you establish contact, it lasts for a full day instead of 10 minutes.   81–85 Pyrokinesis: You can cause a flammable object you can see within 10 feet to spontaneously catch fire. Make a spell attack against your target. If you hit, it deals 1d4 fire damage. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this mutation. After you use pyrokinesis, you have disadvantage with it until you complete a short or long rest.   86–90 Telekinesis: As an action, you can activate your ability to exert force on objects within 25 feet. This ability lasts for one hour. You can use this force to move objects, push against objects, and so on. For example, as an action you could lift and pull a light object anywhere within range to yourself, or move a heavy object (like a piece of furniture) about 10 feet. Any telekinetic action that would require a Strength check uses your Intelligence. This mutation lacks the fine control to wield a weapon or move objects with much speed, so in most situations, it’s not a means of attack. You can’t use this mutation to move your own body or anything you are holding or carrying. The power lasts for one hour. After you’ve used telekinesis for an hour, it has disadvantage until you complete a short or long rest.   91–92 Phaseshifting: As an action, you can pass slowly through a solid barrier at a rate of 1 inch per round (minimum of one round to pass through the barrier). You can’t perceive anything or take actions (other than continuing to move through the barrier) until you pass entirely through the barrier. You can’t pass through barriers made of energy (such as wall of fire) or force. After you use phase shifting, you have disadvantage on all rolls until you complete a short or long rest. If you use phaseshifting while you have disadvantage from it, you can’t use it again until you complete a short or long rest.   93–94 Power device: As an action, you can spend Hit Dice to recharge an iron flesh device or numenera relic. For an uncommon item, adding 1 charge (or one use for a depleted relic) costs 1 Hit Die, a rare item costs 2 Hit Dice, a very rare item costs 3 Hit Dice, and a legendary item costs 4 Hit Dice. After you’ve used this mutation, you have disadvantage on all Intelligence rolls and can’t use it again until you’ve completed a short or long rest.   95–96 Drain power: As an action, you can touch an iron flesh device or numenera relic, draining its power and using it to heal yourself. The number of hit points you regain depends on the rarity of the device or relic: 1d8 for common or uncommon, 2d8 for rare, 3d8 for very rare, or 5d8 for legendary. You recover these hit points at a rate of 1d8 per round, and you must use your action each round and maintain concentration; if you are interrupted, the healing ends. This completely drains the device, even if interrupted before you’re finished (at the GM’s discretion, an item may retain some charges or only have to make a depletion roll if partially drained). Because you need to maintain contact and concentration with the item to use this ability, it is all but impossible to use it on an item held or worn by an unwilling creature.   97–99 Regeneration: Whenever you spend Hit Dice to regain hit points, add your proficiency bonus to each Hit Die you roll for healing.   00 Feed off pain: Any time a creature within 10 feet takes at least 6 points of damage in one attack, you heal 1 hit point. You can feed off any creature in this way, whether friend or foe. This never heals you more than 1 point per round.  


The following mutations involve dramatic physical changes to the character’s appearance. People who have these mutations are always recognized as mutants. Some of these mutations require using an action to activate or use them.   01–04 Extra mouth: You have an extra mouth on your hand, face, or stomach. This mouth is filled with razor-sharp teeth. As your action, you can make a bite attack that deals 1d4 piercing damage. Your bite has the finesse and light weapon properties. You have proficiency with this attack. You can also speak with two voices at once, although this doesn’t allow you to cast two spells or use two voice-based abilities at the same time.   05–08 Snake-like arm: One of your arms ends in a fanged mouth instead of a hand. As your action, you can make a bite attack that deals 1d4 piercing damage and the target must make a Constitution saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Con modifier) or take 1d4 poison damage. The mouth has the finesse and light weapon properties. You have proficiency with this attack. You can’t use the snake-like arm for anything other than biting.   09–12 Tendrils on forehead: Four to six tendrils, each 12 to 24 inches long, come out of your forehead. They can grasp and carry anything that your hand could, although a large object would block your field of vision. You get an extra roll on the beneficial mutations table.   13–16 Tendrils instead of fingers: Your fingers are tendrils 12 inches long. Climbing doesn’t cost you extra movement and you add your proficiency bonus to Strength (Athletics) checks for climbing and to rolls to grasp things or keep your grip. You can effectively pick up and hold two objects in each hand rather than one (this doesn’t allow you to wield more than one weapon with a hand). You get an extra roll on the beneficial mutations table.   17–20 Tendrils instead of arms: One or both (your choice) of your arms is a cluster of tendrils 6 feet long. Although this means you lose the fine manipulative ability of fingers and a thumb, you can still grasp objects and have a much longer reach. You gain advantage on grappling and wrestling. You get an extra roll on the beneficial mutations table.   21–23 Tendrils instead of eyes: You are blind, but each eye socket has a retractable tendril that is 10 feet long. These tendrils can feel around rapidly to give you a physical sense of all creatures within 10 feet. You can use them to manipulate very light objects, activate controls, and so forth, as if they were your hands. You get an extra roll on the beneficial mutations table.   24–26 Tendrils instead of legs/feet: One or both (your choice) of your legs or feet are tendrils that are 6 feet long. You can still walk and move normally. You gain advantage on grappling and wrestling. The tendrils are prehensile enough to grasp large objects. You get an extra roll on the beneficial mutations table.   27–32 Scaly body: Your AC can’t be less than 14, regardless of armor you are wearing.   33–36 Covered in spiny needles/spikes: A creature that touches you or hits you with a melee attack while within 5 feet of you takes 1 piercing damage.   37–39 Quills: You have sharp quills on parts of your body. As your action, you can strike with your quills as a melee attack or launch them as a ranged weapon attack at a target within 25 feet. If you hit, the quills deal 1d6 piercing damage. The quills have the light and thrown weapon properties. You have proficiency with this attack.   40–44 Carapace: Your AC can’t be less than 14, regardless of armor you are wearing.   45–49 Chlorophyll: You gain nutrients from the sun and don’t need to eat or breathe if you have daily exposure to sunlight. Your skin is green.   50–54 Extra joint in arms: Your arms are long and jointed so that you have two elbows in each. You have a slightly longer reach and can strike foes from unexpected angles. You gain advantage on melee attacks. Because this mutation relies on agility more than strength, your melee attacks have to use your Dexterity modifier rather than your Strength modifier.   55–59 Extra joint in legs: Your legs are long and jointed so that you have two knees in each. You add your proficiency bonus to Strength and Dexterity checks that involve running, climbing, jumping, and balancing. You get an extra roll on the beneficial mutations table.   60–62 Spider legs from torso: In addition to your normal limbs, six or eight spider-like legs, each 6 feet long, extend from your sides. You add your proficiency bonus to Strength and Dexterity checks and saves that involve running, climbing, remaining on your feet, and resisting being moved. You get an extra roll on the beneficial mutations table.   63–67 Extra arms: You have one or two extra arms. They can hold objects, wield weapons, hold a shield, and so on. This mutation does not increase the number of actions you can take in a round or the number of attacks you can attempt.   68–70 Extra legs: You have two extra legs. You add your proficiency bonus to Strength and Dexterity checks and saves that involve running, remaining on your feet, and resisting being moved. You get an extra roll on the beneficial mutations table.   71–73 Spider legs: Instead of normal legs, you have a wide torso with six or eight spider-like legs. You add your proficiency bonus to Strength and Dexterity checks and saves that involve running, climbing, remaining on your feet, and resisting being moved. You get an extra roll on the beneficial mutations table.   74–78 Snake tail: You have a prehensile tail that is 6 feet long. You gain advantage on grappling and wrestling. The tail can grasp large objects, such as a barrel or pillar. You get an extra roll on the beneficial mutations table.   79–80 Snake tail instead of legs: Instead of legs, you have a snaky tail that is 8 feet long. This doesn’t change your base walking speed. You gain advantage on grappling and wrestling. The tail can grasp large objects, such as a barrel or pillar. You get an extra roll on the beneficial mutations table.   81–85 Stinging tendril: You have a prehensile tendril (or tail) that grows from some part of your body and ends in a poisonous stinger. As your action, you can make a melee attack with this stinger. If you hit, it deals 1d4 piercing damage and the target must make a Constitution saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Con modifier) or take 1d4 poison damage. The stinger has the light weapon property. You have proficiency with this attack. The tendril (or tail) can’t be used for anything else.   86–90 Eyes on stalks: Your eyes are on stalks and can move in any direction, independently of each other. You can peek around corners without exposing yourself to danger. You add your proficiency bonus to initiative rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks. You get an extra roll on the beneficial mutations table.   91–92 Extra eyes on hands/fingers: You can peek around corners without exposing yourself to danger. You add your proficiency bonus to initiative rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks. You get an extra roll on the beneficial mutations table.   93–97 Aquatic: Your body is streamlined and finned, your fingers and toes webbed. You gain advantage on checks and saves that involve swimming. You have lungs and gills, so you can breathe underwater.   98–00 Wings: You have feathered or fleshy wings on your back that allow you to glide, carried by the wind. They are not powerful enough to carry you aloft like a bird’s wings. You have advantage on saves to avoid falling. You gain resistance to damage from falling.  


Cosmetic mutations affect only a character’s appearance. None are so pronounced as to make a character decidedly more or less attractive. They are simply distinguishing alterations.   01-02 Purple skin   03-04 Green skin   05-06 Red skin   07-08 Yellow skin   09-10 White skin   11-12 Black skin   13-14 Blue skin   15 Purple hair   16 Green hair   17 Red hair   18 Yellow hair   19 White hair   20 Blue hair   21 Striped hair   22 Horns   23 Antlers   24 Extremely hirsute   25 Entirely hairless   26 Scaly skin   27 Leathery skin   28 Transparent skin   29 Skin turns transparent in   sunlight   30 Skin changes color in   sunlight   31 Very tall   32 Very large   33 Very short   34 Very thin   35 Very long neck   36 Hunched back   37 Long, thin tail   38 Short, broad tail   39 Long arms   40 Short arms   41 Long legs   42 Short legs   43 Bony ridge on face   44 Bony ridge on back   45 Bony ridge on arms   46 Purple eye(s)   47 Red eye(s)   48 Yellow eye(s)   49 White eye(s)   50 Black eye(s)   51 Large eyes   52 Bulbous eyes   53 Two pupils in one eye   54 Large ears   55-56 Pointed ears   57-58 Webbed fingers   59-60 Webbed toes   61-62 Four fingers on each hand   63-64 Six fingers on each hand   65 Long fingers   66 Purple nails   67 Green nails   68 Yellow nails   69 White nails   70 Black nails   71 Blue nails   72 Odd lumps on flesh   73 Useless antennae (like an insect)   74 Extra useless limb   75 Extra useless eye   76 Fleshy frills or useless flagella (small)   77 Useless tendrils (large)   78 Mandibles   79-80 Pointed teeth   81 Tusks   82 Black teeth   83 Red teeth   84 Purple teeth   85 Green teeth   86 Purple lips   87 Green lips   88 Yellow lips   89 White lips   90 Black lips   91 Blue lips   92 Purple spittle   93 Red spittle   94 Yellow spittle   95 White spittle   96 Black spittle   97-98 Distinctive odor   99 Feathers   00 Head crest


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