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Maul-Moir MacMaris

Cicerone of the Silent Ones; Far Speaker Maul-Moir MacMaris

Maul-Moir MacMaris is a dwarven cleric of the Talimist religion. He holds his duty to help the Silent Ones find their way home close to his heart, and his kind-hearted nature leads him to ensure members of all races find a peaceful final rest.   His funerary responsibilities notwithstanding, he doesn't see anything wrong with helping others stave off the grave, provided the means they use do not harm others in the process.   Non-intelligent undead are anathema to him. The thought of enslaving a corpse after death is offensive. Vampires and liches are to be destroyed at any cost. However, undead bound by a purpose, such as ghosts or revenants are to be aided, and put to rest peacefully.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A bit on the heavy side for a dwarf. He is muscular, but a little excess weight softens his body.

Body Features

Pretty much bog-standard dwarf, however his fingers are a little shorter than usual, leading him to be a little clumsy.

Facial Features

He has full cheeks, which are usually a little flushed. Lines on his eyes, and around his mouth reveal a tendency to smile.

Identifying Characteristics

The tattoo that marks his gene-line, name, and life role is on the back of his left hand. His right forearm bears a tattoo detailing his clerical education, the rites he has successfully performed, and the trials he has passed.   in the webbing between his thumb and forefinger on his right hand, is a tattoo indicating that he is an approved Far Speaker, and granting him the authority to provide Dwarven funeral rites outside Kas-Vaar.

Physical quirks

He fidgets with one of the braids of his beard when he is thinking or daydreaming.   He dry-washes his hands when he is frightened or nervous.

Special abilities

Lasting Watch. After a dwarf has been dead for 5 days and not resurrected or had their body restored, the dwarf will reanimate as a zombie. All of the dwarf's stats save for Strength (which is unchanged) and Constitution (which is set to 0) are reduced by 4 and the dwarf's alignment takes one step towards Neutral and becomes an NPC.

Apparel & Accessories

He wears a tabard bearing the livery of Kduur over his splint mail. His shield is painted on the front with the symbol of Talimism, and on the inside, just below the upper rim, the tenets of faith.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Maul-Moir's life began as many dwarves' do, by being decanted. Brought out of the Creche-Dream in the capitol city of Kas-Vaar, Maul-Moir was the 5371st of the MacMaris Gene-Line.   During his time in the Creche-Dream, Maul-Moir was tutored by Moir-Gran, the fifth decant of the MacMaris Gene-Line. Moir-Gran was lost during the Voidwar, along with his entire legion, after it was obliterated by Elven sorcerers due to a personal miscalculation on Moir-Gran's part.   As if the loss of so many guardians to the Birthing Temples, and his own failure to participate in the Final Honor weren't bad enough, an artifact of great significance to the MacMaris Gene-Line was lost as well, staining the honor of the Gene-Line to this day.   The after decanting testing revealed that he would be well suited to training as a Cicerone of the Silent Ones. Cicerone perform the rites of Chaed Saol and Diearn Beatha which ensure that dwarves who die rise again for the Last Honor. Allowing them to join the guards of the Birthing Temples.   After his time in the Habilitation Dormitory he entered the Refractory of Those Before and began his religious training. During this training, his aptitude with weaponry, and native strength of will and body overcame his natural ungainliness, and impressed his teachers enough that they nominated him for the honor of Far Speaker training.   To be added to the ranks of those trusted to make the dangerous journey between settlements was an honor. Far Speakers not only served to ensure as many dwarves as possible received the Last Honor, but also as ambassadors to the other kingdoms, empires and religions.   After Far Speaker training, Maul-Moir set off, making his way from place to place, doing his best to attend to the religious needs of the other Talimists he came across in his wanderings, and to find word of the lost MacMaris artifact until he found himself in Caracara.

Gender Identity



No thank you.


Passed Decant Testing (issues with manual dexterity noted as possible flaw in TK-RFLX sequence, possibly requiring adjustment, or recombination with another gene line).   Passed Habilitation. No deviancy observed, however noted tendency toward superiority.   Fifth in class in the Refractory of Those Before. Recommended for further training as a Far Speaker.   Thirteenth in class in the Abbey of the Far Speech. Lack of manual dexterity noted as particularly concerning, but physical strength, and mental fortitude considered to compensate. Passed with reservations.


Far Speakers rely on alms, and donations from those they help. No regular employment.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Ensured the successful recovery of 8 Silent Ones in a settlement to the southeast of Baz. Assisted in ending a plague in that settlement.

Failures & Embarrassments

Missed an opportunity to grant the Last Honor to a group of miners, due to chasing a rumor of the MacMaris Artifact.

Mental Trauma

During Habilitation, snuck out of the dormitory, and accidentally witnessed the destruction of a bad-decant. Occasional nightmares, and unease around electricity based Tek.

Intellectual Characteristics

Curious about the religious and funerary observances of other cultures, despite finding them misguided.   Cautious in new situations, until he can discern how to proceed without giving offence.   Interested in motivations of other people, and has cultivated his ability to uncover the root of their actions, and words.   Disgusted by the reproductive activities of other races, and their obsession with copulation.

Morality & Philosophy

Devout Talimist  
  • Be mindful of tradition. It is literally from the knowledge of the past that we persist into the future.
  • Hold your forebears in your heart, for it is upon their shoulders that we survive and prosper.
  • Knowledge is sacred, and in stone this knowledge is to be preserved.
  • You are given one life to live, and a second life to serve. Relish the first, and honor the second.
  • The world is harsh, and yet must still be traveled. Be not a fool, for the land does not suffer them.


Reproduction (especially dwarven reproduction with non-dwarves), nudity, and eliminatory functions.

Personality Characteristics


To perform his duties as Far Speaker to the best of his abilities.   To prove that he has what it takes to be one of the great Far Speakers.   To find the MacMaris Artifact, and restore honor to his Gene-Line.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes The comfort of Talmist religious observances. Warm bread with butter. The quiet of the world just before dawn.     Dislikes Electricty/Lightning Bodily fluids and functions Undead that are not bound due to unfinished business.

Personality Quirks

Tends to play with his beard braids when he is distracted or daydreaming.   Dry washes hands when he is frightened, nervous or uncomfortable.


Very clean. Despite his distaste of being seen nude, he washes regularly as part of Talimist nightly religious rites. These also involve brushing oiling, and re-braiding his beard and hair.


Family Ties

Moir-Gran MacMaris, 5th decant of the MacMaris Gene Line.

Religious Views

Devout Talimist  
  • Be mindful of tradition. It is literally from the knowledge of the past that we persist into the future.
  • Hold your forebears in your heart, for it is upon their shoulders that we survive and prosper.
  • Knowledge is sacred, and in stone this knowledge is to be preserved.
  • You are given one life to live, and a second life to serve. Relish the first, and honor the second.
  • The world is harsh, and yet must still be traveled. Be not a fool, for the land does not suffer them.

Social Aptitude

Fairly socially apt, cautious about giving offense.

Wealth & Financial state

5 gold and his equipment.

Decanted in Kduur at age 50, now aged 125. Itinerate Talimist Cleric.

Character Location
View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Cicerone of the Silent Ones Far Speaker
Current Residence
Wherever he can find.
Coppery red, starting to grey at the temples.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair. Ruddy cheeks, full beard, intricately braided, and adorned with silver ornaments.
Known Languages
Dwarven Common Celestial

Off on the Road to Caracara

I certainly do get around! I received word a week ago that a Far Speaker was needed in Caracara, so I packed my bag, and joined one of the caravans headed that way. Apparently there's a fair going on there right now, and so securing a group to travel with wasn't hard to accomplish. I spent a lot of time speaking with the caravan master, a striking woman named Idrinden. She had a lot of questions for me, regarding the nature of gods, and curses. It seems that her caravan has been plagued by bad luck and strange happenings. She wasn't wrong either, as on the third day of our journey, a wagon wheel just shattered, with nary a stone or rut in sight. One moment the wheel appeared sound, the next it exploded into flying shards of wood.   I patched up the injured as well as I could, but the event still troubles me. I wonder if perhaps someone in her caravan has the spark of magic in them, but lack the awareness or control to tap into it, causing it to spring forth in strange ways. There was nothing of a divine nature upon her, and I recommended she find a learned practitioner of the arcane who might know about such things better than I do. Elves, even half-breeds like her are lousy with magic, and my training was not inclined in that direction.   Beyond exploding wagon wheels, the trip has been uneventful. I prefer the tedium of a journey spent watching the landscape roll past over the possibly lethal excitement of a trip fraught with challenges. I've occupied my time with some first aid, sharing stores from the Thazik Duum, and spiritual guidance. As I write this, I can see the town coming into view. Once we arrive, I will be occupied with finding this Kathra Synthfist (what kind of name that is for a dwarf, I have no idea. Maybe one of the new Gene-Lines that have been developed in the outside world) and performing the rites she requires. Then, we'll see what this fair has in store!


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