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The Karnos Republic

The Karnos Republic is a nation on the Guuran continent on the northeast edge of the Indigo Grasslands. It is one of several nations to split off from The Eternal Commonwealth at the end of the Voidgate War. It is home to Armanth's largest population of Orcs and operates as a democratic republic wherein the vote is given to all those who have served at least one tour of duty in defense of the nation either in an active or supportive role.   Karnos is well known for the skill and discipline of its soldiers, and likewise famous for the number of mercenary and privateer companies based in its borders. These soldiers are well used by the Republic; there are frequent skirmishes with the Gray Dwarves to the East. increased aggression from Naldonia in the South, and there is a constant tension between Karnos and the Commonwealth even to this day, despite the newly arisen Amorphous Fields forming a natural barrier between the two nations.   Most often, however, Karnosian troops are used to battle raiders, monsters, and other aberrant beings that are prevalent in that part of the continent. Failed Naldonian experiments let loose to run amok, strange creatures from the wastelands, even raider parties from the Ragged Valley tribes present constant threats to the peoples of Karnos, threats they do not shy away from.   The capital of Karnos is the city of Voidfall, where the relatively intact void ship carrying the orcs down to Armanth still remains. It's inner machinery and newtek have long ago been salvaged, used, or degraded beyond use, but the star metal the ship was built from remains strong as the day it fell, it's blood-red hull serving as the fortifications of the entire city.


Citizenship into Karnos is not granted until a newly turned adult's first tour of duty in the Karnosian military. Once that is done, a citizen has the rights to vote or run for a position of leadership, if they so wish. Elections are usually held in or near sparring centers, where candidates can often garner votes by displaying their skill in battle. The High Commander is the highest office in the nation, and is elected every ten years by popular vote.


While warfare and militarism are undoubtedly components deeply ingrained into Karnosian culture, it is coupled with a deeply ingrained ideal of free thought, self-improvement, and service. Karnosians are taught to take the time to develop one's beliefs, and then to passionately fight for those beliefs. It is the reason Karnosian bars traditionally have red-stained floorboards.    Karnosians are quick to fight, quick to forgive, and quick to come to aid. This likewise shows in their justice system, which has a heavy focus on restoration for the victim and the rehabilitation and reentrance into society of the convicted.

Public Agenda

Karnos's primary goal is as it has always been, to secure its borders from the dangers that surround it, and to ensure its freedom from the Empire that once owned it.


While Karnos holds a moderate cache of newtek weapons and armor, its greatest assets are the large number of soldiers it can draw on for its own defense.


For most of its history, Karnos was a province of The Eternal Commonwealth, subjects of the Autarch and, to the humans who ruled the empire, a prize representing the conquering and domination of the orcish people who had been the cause of humanity's fall to Aramanth. Such tales were ancient history, so long ago that the memory of the memory had faded, but that concept remained despite the millennia of shifting and mixing cultures of the two peoples that came from provincial life.    During the Voidgate War, the vast majority of the Karnos' soldiers were brought to bare against the Novagleam invaders, and it took a harsh toll on the region. But still, the Karnosians, whether they be orc, human, dwarf, or gnome, did their duty and held the line for nearly three hundred years. Once the war finally ended, however, the aftereffects of generations of war finally took root.   Rebellion sprang up only a few years after the Voidgates were closed, a rebellion that would go on for generations itself. The people of Karnos fought not only the Commonwealth, but among themselves as they struggled to decide who would lead this new land, and how it would be governed. Finally, after years of debate and conflict, a new form of government was forged, one in which the people would determine who would lead them. In declaring their independence, the Karnosians proclaimed that no longer would their people die for someone whom they did not choose to rule.


While the Emerald Pope continues to keep churches occupied within the communities of Karnos and has a cathedral of considerable size in Voidfall, singular faith has never been favored in Karnos. Taking after the tendancies of the orcs who first occupied the area, Karnosians tend towards a free-wheeling form of animism that allows for, even encourages the belief and fealty to a cadre of gods and guardian spirits. Karnosian Communities tend to have a handful worshiped only within their local community that are manned by one or more small, well-tended shrines, as well as a few more well-known gods popular among a wider number of settlements.   The most popular of these gods, if there was one, would likely be Skarla the Dread Scorpion, the worship of which was carried to Aramanth from the long lost world the orcs came from. While it's shrines are modest, many orcs see admire the traits of fearlessness and quick-wittedness that embody the being. It is common for worshipers of Skarla to bear tattoos of their likeness, and keep such creatures (or at least creatures that have come to take the classification of "scorpion" on the world) as pets.

To Each Hand a Sword, and to Each Mouth a Voice.

Founding Date
73 FE
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
Nation of Blades, The Bloody Republic
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
The Krisos
Official State Religion


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