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Wael of Baz

Deep within the Khala Range mountains is a secluded stretch of land hidden away and not easily accessible. Should one travel there they would find a mostly cold and barren place, but they would also find a land ruled by reclusive sapient machines.   Whether Wael counts as a nation is perhaps up for debate, but whatever it is it has existed at least as long as the organic races on Aramanth have, and likely longer. Almost all of the data from that time has degraded, corrupted, or just plain been lost, such that even the most ancient of their kind that has taken refuge there cannot accurately relate events, and that is when they are capable of communication at all. Even the origin of their nation's name is debated--none know if there was or is a "Baz" among their number who first came there, if it is some corruption of a previously assigned designation, or if it is something else entirely.   There is no unified form or nature of the machines found in Wael, any who can think or reason are granted entrance, acceptance, and protection. They gather for mutual protection against the abuse and exploitation they all-too-often face from the rest of the world. They are not overtly hostile to organic outsiders, but neither are they welcoming.   Many machines in Wael of Baz are so old and degraded that their bodies or minds are degraded past mobility or sanity. The other machines care for these individuals, and if desired allow for the dissolution and absorption of their minds if existence is no longer desired.    Much of the day-to-day life of the Bazian machines often involves scavenging among the hundreds of scrap sites that were (or are) Ancients ruins for parts and components to repair and maintenance themselves. Others ponder ideas of existence or anything else of interest to them. Some simply choose to exist, free from an existence of servitude to another.    Under most circumstances, an organic being would never be granted leave to enter Baz, but it has recently been agreed--after centuries of debate--that a Bazian citizen can grant access to an organic being if they so choose. After such a time such a being can come and go relatively unharassed, though it is exceedingly unlikely they will find a warm welcome.   The Wael of Baz does not conduct trade, though in recent years more and more sapient automatons have been showing up in towns and cities around Aramanth claiming to be from the Wael of Baz. FIt seems as thought the collective minds of the machines have begun to--for lack of a better word--reproduce, forming new consciousnesses that they then equip with mobile and most often humanoid-shaped bodies. These beings are unique individuals, but almost always share the singular trait of wanting to explore the world outside of the Weal of Baz.


Baz operates as a pure democracy, in any decision made by the greater community requires the full consensus of any machine that wishes a say. This is accomplished via a massive network that the machines connect to through cables housed in centralized areas of their community. The machines join each other in a massive, ethereal debate occurring far faster than most humans can think. Even then, attaining full consensus on an idea can take anywhere from seconds to years, with the machines' bodies lying inert for the entire time while their consciousnesses engage in debates running at a lightning speed.


While the diversity of mentalities among the Bazian machines can vary even more widely than the various peoples living on Aramanth, they often share the desire to be left undisturbed by the outside world at large. This may have begun to shift somewhat with the machines who have been formed and subsequently left to explore the world, but these are an incredibly small fraction of the automaton populace.

Public Agenda

To protect its members and remain unharassed and unexploited by the organic races that populate the world, or even other mechanical minds that would seek to subjugate them. Bazians desire only autonomy and peace, but will defend both with vehemence and if need be violence.


It is difficult to estimate the full worth of the ancients' troves within the Wael of Baz. Tek of all shapes and kinds, many of forms unseen by the modern races, likely exist there. But only a vanishingly small number of organic beings have ever laid eyes on these ruins, much less gotten to explore them.


The history of Baz is almost as blurry and inscrutable as that of the Ancients themselves. The oldest machines, some with minds millions of years old, can recall knowing the origination point of the nation, but even these seemingly indestructible machines have found their minds degrading with age, or at least otherwise purged of data they no longer found relevant. Suffice it to say that Baz has existed for a very, very long time.   Being exceedingly insular for most of this time, Bazians knew little of the outside world beyond what newly arrived machines shared with one another, and this was often spotty. Certainly sapient machines exist who gathered or was given widespread information about the world before finding and retreating to Baz, over the geologic shape of time this has not filled many gaps. Add to things a general disinterest in the outside world beyond a desire to be left alone by them and things tend to remain spotty.   There have been times Baz has been more active in the world. There have been at least two times recorded by the dwarves of Kduur that machine armies have descended from the mountains with what seemed to be malicious intent. Regardless of whatever goal the armies had, or even if they achieved it, the armies never stayed for long before returning from whence they came.     This owes less to the general benevolence of the machines than it does to the hyper-democracy that Bazians operate on. There are certain machines who would love nothing more than exact bloody vengeance on the organic beings who have done them wrong, but convincing every single other machine mind who cared to have a say to buy into such a violent and risky endeavor has thus far been a feat impossible to maintain to fruition.   The most notable violent interaction between Bazians and the outside world was during the Voidgate War, when Baz faced invasion by the armies of the Novagleam empire. Baz had little interest in the conflict, and it was even known that several of the vanishingly few organics granted access to Baz had been elves. But it seems as though what little was shown to these individuals have been enough to spark their desire to take all of it, which landed Baz as one of the elven empire's innumerable targets.    The elves and their slave armies did considerable damage to the Bazians, but for as endless as the armies of Novagleam were, the number of machines willing to rise up in defense of their place of refuge was greater. In the end, the elves were driven away, denied even a single mile of conquered territory.    Whether this event contributed to the ultimate decision to take aspects from a number of interested machine minds and recompile them into new beings, "reproducing" in a way, it is not fully known, the span of time between the two events numbered several centuries. But then, such a momentous decision as to give birth was quite possibly one they spent that long debating amongst themselves over.


While a number of beings residing in Baz were at one time or another worshipped as gods, and at least a few command enough power over the Deep Field that some might consider them a god, there is no official or unifying faith among the sapient machines within the Wael of Baz.

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Founding Date
Geopolitical, State
Alternative Names
Baz, the Machine Lands
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Power Structure
Unitary state


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