The Eclipse

When the sisters embrace, everything will change

  With the sun gracefully dipping below the horizon, casting its last, warm golden rays over Al’Nahar, the night markets came alive. Narrow, winding streets filled with industrious merchants and eagle-eyed buyers, each eager to make some deals before the new day.   The air was thick with the mingling scents of exotic spices and freshly baked bread. The heavy aroma of saffron, cumin, and cardamom wafted from the spice stalls, mingling with the sweet smell of dates and figs piled high in reef baskets. The air filled with the scent of roasting lamb and chicken from the food vendors’ grills, making mouths water and stomachs rumble, while clinking coins sang their eternal melody.   Twilight deepened and lanterns were lit all over the city, casting a warm, flickering glow while the moon sisters Shali and Sahar slowly rose into the dawning night sky.
It was to be a full moons' night, a night for lovers and bards - praised for its silvery beauty and whispered secrets. A soft evening breeze carried the faint scent of jasmine from the gardens, while songbirds sang their good nights to each other.
  Slowly, almost unnoticed, the air grew quiet. The distant sounds of the bustling bazaar seemed to fade, the birds ceased their evening songs, and even the rustling of palm leaves stilled. The world seemed to hold its breath, the air crackling with a strange energy that could be felt tingling on the skin.
  In the velvet skies above, Shali drifted closer to Sahar, as if yearning to touch her sister. A black shadow appeared on Sahar's surface, a veil of silken midnight slowly settling on her silvery form.
As darkness began to descend upon the land below, people stopped in their tracks, their tasks abandoned, eyes turning to the heavens in disbelief. A slow murmur drifted over the streets, a whisper tinged with disbelief and despair.
  Sahar's protective light dimmed further and further, until all that was left was a softly shimmering silver halo, shining on from behind Shali. A hush fell over the Al’Nahar as people watched the twin moons enter an embrace that painted all of creation with hues of silver . The moons seemed to shimmer softly with divine magic, their bodies intertwined in a dance of light and shadow. A fluttering, soft gust of wind arose from the east, a gentle whisper from a lover’s lips, carrying with it the faint scent of blooming night flowers not from this world.   Into the dark, as if orchestrated by a divine hand, waves of green and blue light suddenly sprung forth from behind the moons. They danced across the heavens, weaving through the stars like a celestial river of otherworldly current of colors, mingling with the silver glow of the eclipsed sisters. Shali and Sahar, locked in their shadowy embrace, pulsed with a silent rhythm, a quiet back and forth, each word an invisible thrum of magical force. Light cascaded down from the heavens, bathing the city in an ocean of colors, as the aurora danced in the purple heavens. The aurora’s light seemed to breathe, expanding and contracting in time with the pulsing moons, a symphony of light and magic.   Suddenly, in a cataclysmic burst, wherever the dancing lights touched, the constellations, those ancient guardians of the night sky, shattered, drifting apart like dust on a breeze. Their fragments scattered, each star strewn over the tapestry of the night sky like lost jewels,as if the very fabric of the cosmos had been torn asunder.  
Gasps of wonder quickly turned to cries of alarm. Some fell to their knees, whispering frantic prayers to the gods, their voices trembling with terror. Others pointed and shouted, their faces pale with panic, trying to make sense of it all. Some just stared with eyes full of wonder, looking up to the sky in awe.   Slowly, like tumbling leaves on a celestial river, the shining stars danced across the heavens, settling into new and mysterious patterns until the sky was filled with new, unfamiliar shapes never seen before. Each new constellation blazed with colors once, then twice as the stars settled into their new places, a silent greeting to the world below. The Weaver emerged, delicate and intricate, its stars forming a pattern that seemed to weave through the very fabric of the night sky. The Guardian took shape, strong and steadfast, its stars shining down with a protective light. The Seeker appeared from beyond the horizons, ever searching, its stars forming a path that seemed to lead into the unknown.   One by one, every star found its new home heavens, and ever so slowly, the sisters drifted apart again, separating like reluctant lovers. Like smoke on the wind, the aurora gradually came apart, its ethereal colors dissolving into the night sky. Shali returned to its resting place,leaving just its own glow, the warm light of Sahar and a heaven full of wonders.


  The impact of these events on the Kaharan people echoes to this day. The lunar eclipse was seen as a divine message or omen from the gods themselves, a sign of a new age - although one of darkness or greatness no one knew. It led to a renewed wave of piety, with people all over the land flocking to temples and shrines to praise the gods. Art, literature, and music flourished, inspired by the celestial dance and the events that followed.   Revered priests, draped in flowing robes, each with their own interpretation of the events, urged their devout followers to seek repentance or guidance from the gods. Doomsayers and prophets emerged from the shadows, some inciting fear and panic, while others offered solace and promises of a golden age.   By royal decree of Sultan Shamir Al’Daoud the Celestial Circle was founded shortly after the eclipse - an organization of sages and navigators dedicated to the study of the celestial arts. Scholars, armed with astrolabes and ancient star charts eagerly studied the celestial shift, striving to uncover its secrets anew. Each star pattern was meticulously charted, hoping to gain more insight into the mysteries of the universe. Navigators, previously masters of the heavens and stars, now faced with an unfamiliar sky, had to relearn their trade anew - a task they tackled with abandon.  
The common folk reacted with a far more tumultuous mix of emotions. Children clung to their parents, their eyes wide with confusion and fear, as the heady scent of burning incense and the acrid smoke of sacrificial offerings filled the air of many villages. Elders whispered of ancient prophecies, their voices trembling with both reverence and fear, while the young looked to the heavens in wonder and hope for a golden age.

Wise and compassionate, Sultan Shamir Al’Daoud rose to the occasion, using the celestial catastrophe to unify his people. His leadership inspired a renewed spirit of solidarity as the kaharan people faced the new night skies together, forging a future filled with unity and purpose amidst uncertainty. Transforming fear into strength and despair into hope, he led them towards the dawn of a new golden age.  
Shali and Sahar
  Also known as the Daughters of Heaven to the kaharan people, the twin moons silently watch over all of creation since time's beginning.
Born as illegitimate children to the queen of heavens, these celestial sisters govern the realms of the ocean, magic, compassion, and hope with gentle silver light, offering a silent promise to all who seek their aid, unjudging and all-encompassing in their grace.
Constellations of Aran'sha
Al'Missaj, the weaver
In the vast tapestry starry sky, behold Al'Missaj, the Weaver. With threads of starlight, it spins the patterns of fate and destiny, woven by the hands of time itself.

Al'Kadis, the guardian
Gaze upon Al'Kadis, the Guardian, a vigilant hero with a shield of stars. He stands watch over the heavens, a symbol of protection and loyalty, ever watchful in the silent night.

Al'Dahith, the Seeker
In the celestial expanse, find Al'Dahith, the Seeker. Holding a lantern of shimmering light, she embarks on an eternal quest for truth and knowledge, guiding souls through the darkness.
ternal quest for truth and knowledge, guiding souls through the darkness.

Kuruqal Al'Kimisha, the alchemist’s crucible
Among the stars, discover Kuruqal Al'Kimisha, the Alchemist’s Crucible. It's mystical glow symbolizes transformation and discovery, the everlasting change of life.

Al'Ralir, the Dreamer
Look to the heavens and see Al-Ralir, the Dreamer. Stretched out among the stars, he gazes into the infinite, embodying imagination, hope, and the dreams of a better future.

Soudah Al'Dama, the Celestial Bazaar
In the night sky, the Soudah Al'Dama, the Celestial Bazaar, opens its gates every night. A bustling market of stars, it symbolizes commerce, community, and a life well lived

Khanna Al'Sima, the garden of heavens
Amidst the stars, find Khanna Al'Sima, the Garden of Heavens. A lush garden with blooming flowers, it represents paradise, beauty, and the eternal peace of the afterlife.

Al'Hamyuh, the Serpent
Winding through the night, Al'Hamyuh, the Serpent, slithers among the stars. It embodies mystery, wisdom, and the hidden dangers that lurk behind the horizon.

Washat Al'Sahir, the Desert Rose
In the celestial gardens, behold Washat Al'Sahir, the Desert Rose. Blooming amidst the stars, it stands for beauty and resilience, flourishing even in the harshest of places.

A new dawn
As a result of these events, Sultan Shamir Al’Daoud himself decreed that the years would henceforth be counted from “After Eclipse.” This decree was issued to honor the gods and to mark the beginning of a new golden age for the kaharan people.


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Aug 5, 2024 23:46

This was an amazing read! Through your vivid imagery and lyrical prose the night market and celestial events were brought to life and transported me into the wonderous world of Al'Nahar. The narrative is rich with sensory details and the masterful storytelling draws the reader into a world where celestial phenomena inspire both awe and a renewed sense of purpose, making it a truly immersive and memorable experience.

Aug 7, 2024 08:51

Thank you so much for your kind words - and thank you again for following Aran'sha!

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
Aug 6, 2024 02:34 by Owen Davies

Such a wonderful idea for a "natural disaster" and such lyrically beautiful prose to go with it. I just want to know more!!

"The world is only as big as one makes it. So make it bigger by expanding your mind."   Nonvyrox A fantasy setting scarred by a divine war.   Checkout what I've written for Summer Camp 2024
Aug 7, 2024 08:48

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it. While the eclipse was certainly the biggest celestial event , there are a few more I want to write about. (some are hinted at in the Celestial Circle article)

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
Aug 6, 2024 11:04 by CoolG

This is a take on a natural disaster I've never seen before and the lovely prose and vivid imagery truly make it shine!

Explore the dark and mysterious Inferncenem, the bright and wonderful Caelumen or the magical and fantastical Ysteria   Have a good one!   Feel free to check out my Substack: CoolG's Awesome Worlds! Join the Discord and chat with like-minded people!
Aug 7, 2024 08:50

Thank you, glad you enjoyed the eclipse!

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
Aug 12, 2024 10:00 by Racussa

Sind die beiden Monde auch Teil der links genannten Konstellationen, oder sind das unabhängige 'Sternbilder'? Ansonsten ist diese Doppelmondfinsternis sehr anschaulich in ihrer belebenden und einschüchternden Wirkung beschrieben; interessanterweise auch auf die nächtlichen Märkte (wohl der Wüstenhitze tagsüber geschuldet). Ich würde in vorelektrischen Zeiten abends ja eher mein Geschäft schließen, denn das Halbdunkel ist perfekt für Diebinnen aller Art ;-)

The world is not enough.
Aug 22, 2024 13:54

Die Monde sind unabhängig von den Sternzeichen. Abends ist die Hitze allerdings erträglicher, daher gibts einige nächtliche/abendliche Märkte in Al'Nahar.

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
Aug 13, 2024 22:24 by Secere Laetes

Huh, das war wirklich ein erschreckender Moment für die Menschen. Wenn plötzlich die Sterne an ganz anderen Stellen stehen... einfach so... nach einer Mondfinsternis, die... das erste Mal war? Ich weiß zwar nicht, ob es wirklich eine Naturkatastrophe ist, nicht mehr eine Naturveränderung, aber sie gefällt mir gut. Auch, dass du extra die Sternzeichen aufführst, ist sehr gut und rundet ab. Was toll gewesen wäre, wäre, wenn du die Gilde auch richtig verlinkt hättest. So zum Weiterlesen.

Aug 22, 2024 13:57

Thank you, glad you liked it. For the kaharan people it was certainly a catastrophe and led to all kinds of changes. The link to the celestial guild broke during an edit - I will correct this after the reading challenge is done (thanks for notifying me!)

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
Aug 18, 2024 11:35

Sehr schöne Geschichte, die Du wieder mit Deiner hervorragenden Lyrik verbunden hast, sodass der Leser einen wundervollen Einblick in das Leben erhält und die Geschichte mit allen Sinnen erleben kann. Doch auch hier muss ich an Thomas Mann und der "Tod in Venedig" denken, wo Seitenweise alles mögliche beschrieben wird, ohne mit der eigentlichen Story anzufangen. Für einen Roman wäre das hier ein schöner Einstieg. Du weißt, ich liebe Deine Prosa, aber hier hätte ich mir wirklich sehr gewünscht, dass die Geschichte sich mehr auf das tatsächliche erschreckende Ereignis konzentriert, um es mit Deinen Worten wundervoll "auszuschmücken". (OK das ist vielleicht die falsche Wortwahl, aber Du verstehst sicher, was ich meine.)   Großartig sind die kleinen Hinweise auf die Sternbilder und wie das Ereignis Einfluss auf die Zeitrechnung und das weitere Geschehen in der Kultur hatte, doch auch hier, wäre es teilweise vom Vorteil den WIKI-Teil mehr vom Prosa-Teil abzugrenzen, wenn Du einen großen Prosateil schreibst, da es den WIKI-Teil unnötig "aufbläht". Oh ich hoffe, ich hab jetzt nicht zu viel Kritik geübt - die Mischung ist wichtig. Ich liebe den Artikel trotzdem seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 19, 2024 07:35 by Ademal

I enjoyed the description of the night of the event! The aurora eclipse sounds like it must be be stunning to behold, and I can see why it left such a profound mark on their culture.   Given how sudden it was, I take it that this was not a natural event, correct? Tracking the movements of lunar bodies is rarely a great challenge for academic societies, which means that the moons acted out of order. Given the fantastic elements of the setting, you've got me wondering if this means that the planet was moved between systems or realms, and what we are reading here is their interpretation of this strange event.   Either way, it's an intriguing phenomenon!

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Aug 22, 2024 13:53

I'm happy you liked it - and I love the questions! This was indeed not a predictable event and came as a great suprise to everyone. As for the reasons behind it - that one has to wait until another time.

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
Aug 20, 2024 20:53 by Jon

This is such an awesome idea for a cosmic event and your writing style is just *chefs kiss*   Can't believe the people there witnessed a celestial-level cataclysm that most wouldn't be able to comprehend and got, like, SCARED. Imagine seeing the cosmos completely reshuffle before your eyes and NOT being hype about it, couldn't be me.

While I would love to go on an adventure, writing them is enough for me.
Aug 22, 2024 13:49

Well, thats totally you! But thank you for your praise, much appreciated. I love writing about celestial events and have two others planned already (not on that scale)

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.