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The Imperial Truth

These tenets are called the Imperial Truth which all imperial citizens learn from childhood. As it is an integral part of imperial society, the Imperial Truth serve as a moral and ideological framework for imperial citizens, shaping their values, behaviors, and attitudes toward the Empire and its rulers.   Loyalty: Imperial citizens are taught to be fiercely loyal to the Emperor and the ideals of the Empire, placing the needs of the Empire above personal interests.   Obedience: Citizens are expected to follow orders from their superiors without question, understanding that a well-ordered society is crucial for the stability and strength of the Empire.   Unity: The Imperial Truth emphasizes the importance of unity among citizens, promoting a sense of collective identity and shared purpose.   Duty: Every citizen has a duty to fulfill their role in society, whether as a soldier, a worker, or a leader, and to contribute to the well-being and prosperity of the Empire.   Honor: The concept of honor is highly valued in the Imperial Truth, with citizens expected to act with integrity, honesty, and a strong moral compass in all aspects of life.   Discipline: The Imperial Truth instills the value of discipline, teaching citizens to be self-controlled, focused, and committed to their tasks, recognizing that discipline is vital for success and order.   Strength: Physical and mental strength are emphasized, with citizens encouraged to constantly strive for self-improvement and to be resilient in the face of challenges.   Progress: The pursuit of progress and advancement is encouraged, with citizens urged to embrace innovation, education, and the acquisition of knowledge to propel the Empire forward.   Supremacy: The Imperial Truth promotes the belief in the superiority of the Empire and its way of life, fostering a sense of pride and confidence in the Empire's culture, institutions, and achievements.   Devotion: Citizens are expected to show unwavering devotion to the gods recognized by the Empire, participating in religious ceremonies and practices that reinforce their faith in the divine blessing upon the Emperor and the Empire.


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