Astrelian Character in Ararim | World Anvil


Personal History

Astelian was born and raised in Mai-Rah, a land under the oppressive rule of the god-king. From a young age, Astelian felt the weight of tyranny, as the god-king sanctioned the worship of no other deities. This suppression of faith led Astelian on a quest for his own spiritual path, eventually finding solace and purpose in the worship of Bane, the Strife Emperor. Driven by a desire to liberate his homeland, Astelian joined the Red Cloaks, an organization known for resolving issues beyond the reach of local law enforcement. As a high-ranking member, he takes pride in his role and works tirelessly to uphold the Red Cloaks' reputation. Astelian's ultimate goal is to return to Mai-Rah and free his people from the god-king's rule, but for now, he hones his skills and gathers strength in the name of the Red Cloaks.


Physical descriptions

Appearance & Attire

Astelian is a striking figure with short blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes, and fair skin. His muscular build is unusual for an elf, a testament to his rigorous training and dedication. He wears intricately detailed and polished armor that gleams in the light, reflecting his commitment to both his faith and his role in the Red Cloaks. Draped over his armor is a flowing red cloak, worn with pride as a symbol of his high rank within the organization. Astelian's appearance is both imposing and inspiring, embodying the strength and honor he strives to uphold.


Concealed Items

Astelian carries a small, intricately carved amulet of Bane hidden beneath his armor, a personal symbol of his faith that he keeps close at all times. Additionally, he has a concealed dagger strapped to his thigh, a last-resort weapon that remains hidden from view.


What do they sound like

Astelian's voice is deep and resonant, carrying an air of authority and confidence. His tone is calm and measured, often soothing yet commanding attention when he speaks. His accent carries the refined lilt of his elven heritage, blending with the firmness of a seasoned warrior.




Astelian is driven by a deep-seated desire to liberate his homeland of Mai-Rah from the oppressive rule of the god-king. His faith in Bane, the Strife Emperor, fuels his determination to fight against tyranny and injustice. Within the Red Cloaks, he seeks to sharpen his skills, gather allies, and build the strength necessary to one day return to Mai-Rah and lead a rebellion. Astelian also strives to maintain the Red Cloaks' reputation as problem-solvers, taking pride in their ability to handle matters beyond the scope of local law enforcement.


Personality Traits

Astelian is disciplined, honorable, and unwavering in his convictions. He possesses a strong sense of duty and loyalty to both his faith and the Red Cloaks. Despite his stern exterior, he is compassionate and empathetic, understanding the suffering of those oppressed by tyranny. Astelian is also a natural leader, inspiring those around him with his courage and dedication.



Astelian's single-minded focus on liberating Mai-Rah can sometimes blind him to other important matters. His strict adherence to his code of honor may put him at odds with the more pragmatic or ruthless members of the Red Cloaks. Additionally, his deep-seated hatred for the god-king can lead him to act impulsively when confronted with symbols or agents of the oppressive regime.



Astelian believes in justice, honor, and the fight against tyranny. He upholds the values of his faith in Bane, the Strife Emperor, seeking to bring order and strength through struggle. He values loyalty and camaraderie, viewing the Red Cloaks as both a means to achieve his goals and a family united by a common cause. Above all, he is driven by the ideal of freeing his homeland and ensuring that no one suffers under the yoke of oppression.

Current Location
Sparkling blue
Short Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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