Mahali Settlement in Ararim | World Anvil


History and Introduction

Mahali, situated in the heart of the Khorun Desert, carries with it the weight of a storied past that is now obscured by the sands of time. Once a thriving oasis, this settlement served as a crucial hub for traders and miners in the region. Its origins trace back to a time when the desert was more hospitable and trade routes flourished.   Today, Mahali stands as a haunting testament to a time long past. Its streets, once bustling with life, are now windswept and deserted. Eerie echoes of the past linger among the ruins, waiting to be rediscovered by those who dare to venture into this forgotten oasis of history.

Society & Boroughs


Political views

In its prime, Mahali wasn't known for strong political views. Its people were more concerned with survival in the harsh desert environment and thriving through trade and cooperation. Political discussions were relatively rare.


Economically, Mahali was built on the pillars of trade and mining. Precious gemstones, metals, and spices flowed through its market, bringing wealth and prosperity to its inhabitants. As an oasis in the desert, it also offered valuable water resources to passing caravans.

Religious Beliefs

Religion in Mahali was a diverse tapestry woven by the many cultures and backgrounds of its inhabitants. There is a singular small multi-faith worship space in the town, though it is now very run down.


The settlement maintained a small force of guards to protect against desert bandits and marauding creatures. It was not known for any grand military presence, as its primary focus was on trade and survival.


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