Borgus of Brouster Character in Ararim | World Anvil

Borgus of Brouster

The peace maker Borgus Velter Brouster, Count

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He was fit even in his older years, he would often spend time sparing with young knights and always encouraged them to best him in combat. Never show mercy on an enemy and never show mercy on me.

Facial Features

Strong jaw line
Bushy grey beard
A cut under his right eye
A small scar on his chin

Apparel & Accessories

Even when not in duty he would often wear a light set of leather armour and have his sword by his side.
He wore a signet ring dedicated to his house which he would also seal his letters with
A sturdy pair of brown leather riding boots
He saw no need for pageantry and rarely held interest in wearing ornate or vibrant clothing

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Borgus was the third son of the first king of Velsavia and the first to rule over Brouster.
He was a kind and pious Count, his mission during his time as ruler was to establish the roads and farmlands that link the steppes to the sea and brokered an alliance with the dwarven kingdoms to the west.
While trades and treaties were drawn - the Count ordered a great tournament to mark the progress he had made during his time as ruler. A cunning dwarf named Telgoren Mithmaester whose wife bore only daughters, challenged the young Count to a joust, an event dwarves were known to do poorly at. He agreed only to be bested, in good faith and good spirit Borgus agreed on the treaty providing the dwarves had no title claims on Broustern lands.
It was agreed Borgus' second-born son was to marry a lady of the mountain and a son or daughter of the plains is to wed a daughter of the mountain here forth for every passing generation.
This would later become one of the most controversial documents ever signed by Borgus, it greatly boosted the productivity of trade however it became a game among nobles as to who had to wed a lady of the mountain.
Borgus found his second love later in life with a half-elven woman in a northern border town, her name was Imogenia or Ginny - there is debate among scholars if her elven descendants were of Shahasi or Tsari bloodlines but no large research has gone into this.
He expanded the borders of his Country over his lifespan as his influence over the dwarven nation grew as did his sway with neighboring towns.
The great offers of dwarven-steel, roads, bridges, and trade lines allowed him to expand his seat from the steppes to the coast.
He met his unfortunate end at the fist of a giant ape at an event to celebrate 30 years of marriage to Imogenia Brouster, he felt the pain of the impact, thought nothing of it and in the morning sadly he had passed.


Trained and skilled in combat and diplomacy, he was as sharp with a sword as he was with a quill.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He rid the plains of organized bandits and highwaymen
Cleared roads between the major settlements
Established a trade route through the open seas to the northern lands of Galterra
Brokered peace with the Dwarves

Failures & Embarrassments

He was bested on horseback by a dwarf
He was unlucky in love, losing his first wife early in their relationship and his second relationship became strained as pressure mounted from the dwarves regarding their treaty.
His second son died from a bandit attack on the trail leading from Steppes Gate to Brouster, rumours spread at the time that it was a band of disgruntaled dwarves howver this was later dismissed as he would have likely been the first heir in the treaty.

Intellectual Characteristics

He was a logical and pragmatic man, known for his tactical mind and sharp tongue. He was well educated and continued to sharpen his mind well into his later years.

Personality Characteristics


He always wanted to be known for bringing peace and strong commerce to Brouster.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Gifted in hand-to-hand combat, swords, tracking, and in later years archery.
Terrible at mounted combat and lengthy strictly social occasions

Likes & Dislikes





Excessive Social occasions
Excessive Weakness

Vices & Personality flaws

Easily drawn into a negotiation or wager
Had a habit of counting aloud which drove people mad.


Always well groomed and bathed, unless on a hunt


Hobbies & Pets

He enjoyed hunting and had a Falcon named Siven


Borgus of Brouster


Towards Imogenia Brouster


Imogenia Brouster


Towards Borgus of Brouster



After the loss of Borgus' first wife, he did not marry until well into his 50s. He found Imogenia on a hunting expedition in the northern reaches of his territories.
They bonded over a simple meal, she thought of him as nothing more than a skilled tracker and hunter, and Borgus liked it that way.
The hunt was designed to run for three days, however, the troop was there for two weeks.
Borgus eventually asked if Imogenia would consider visiting Steppes Gate, and thus the start of their courtship occurred.
It was not long from here that Imogienia discovered the true nature of Borgus, and while it took some convincing she eventually came around to the idea of becoming a countess.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They both enjoyed good books, learning and time in nature.

Legal Status


Wealth & Financial state

An affluent Count that prioritised the wealth of the people as much as the wealth of his own house.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
1684 1767 83 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died from internal bleeding after a hunting accident
Place of Death
Steppes Gate
Green beady
wisps of grey and white buy primarily bald
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Leathery and pale
5' 9"
Quotes & Catchphrases
Never show mercy on me, as I expect you to never show mercy on your enemy.
A good days march is as a good as a holiday.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common & Velisian Elvish Dwarven


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