Chalk dirty to me Plot in Ararim | World Anvil

Chalk dirty to me

With a bolt of blue light a mysterious mage and a tiefling have appeared 200ft off from your campsite, chalk turning to dust in his hand and a puzzled look on their faces.   Discovering the mage to be Graldarg Mistmerry a mage from Le Septs Tour has accidentally teleports themselves and their student to the party's location. Esmeralda has little interest in the arcane arts and more interest in pursuing her interests of golf and boys.   It was odd that Graldarg had not heard of Keyes and when pressed on the issue Keye's had no interest in showing anyone his arcane talents, this puzzled Graldarg and while it came to light that he was taught by the headmaster Guilluame Megal, it is fair to say there will be plenty a question asked of Keyes and very few answers.   Will Graldarg let it slide? or will he dig deeper to obtain the answers he seeks?
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