
Personal History

Eldor hails from a family that once operated a supplies store in Mai Rah, a bustling hub in the desert. However, he grew disillusioned with the oppressive rule of the god king and yearned for a life of freedom and adventure. Thus, he left his family business behind to become a wandering merchant, traversing the sands and offering his wares to fellow travelers.


Physical descriptions

Appearance & Attire

Eldor cuts a striking figure with his tall, lithe frame and long flowing white hair that peeks out from beneath a large brimmed sun hat. His skin, weathered by the harsh desert sun, bears the telltale wrinkles of age, particularly around his keen, observant eyes. He favors a simple yet practical attire, often seen clad in a white linen shirt, loose brown pants, and sturdy sandals. Around his neck, he wears an assortment of trinkets and necklaces collected from his travels, each carrying its own story and significance.

What do they sound like

Eldor speaks with a melodic, lilting voice that carries a sense of curiosity and enthusiasm. He has a knack for storytelling and often regales his customers with tales of his adventures and the wonders he's encountered in his travels.




Eldor's primary motivation is his love for exploration and discovery. He relishes the thrill of uncovering rare treasures and magical artifacts in the vast expanse of the desert. Additionally, he seeks to escape the constraints of his past life in Mai Rah and forge his own path as a free-spirited merchant.

Personality Traits

Eldor possesses an inquisitive nature, always eager to learn and experience new things. He approaches each encounter with a sense of openness and curiosity, viewing the world as a vast tapestry of wonders waiting to be discovered. Despite his adventurous spirit, he also harbors a deep sense of pragmatism, understanding the value of a well-made deal and the importance of survival in the unforgiving desert.



Eldor's insatiable curiosity and penchant for adventure can sometimes lead him into dangerous situations. He may become too focused on acquiring rare treasures or exploring remote locations, disregarding the potential risks involved. Additionally, his independent nature and reluctance to settle down may strain his relationships with others, as he often prioritizes his own freedom and wanderlust above all else.



Eldor values freedom above all else, cherishing the ability to roam the desert sands as he pleases and pursue his own passions and interests. He believes in the power of exploration and discovery to enrich one's life and seeks to inspire others to embrace their own sense of adventure and curiosity.

Current Location
Cloudy grey
Long white hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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