Session 12: Influencers and Influences Report in Ararim | World Anvil

Session 12: Influencers and Influences

General Summary

Desert Shenanigans

  The party's desert trek took a surreal turn when they stumbled upon a shimmering oasis, a mirage conjured by the Djinn, Thiadra. Negotiations were tense, fueled by a bizarre exchange of social media habits. Kolme, ever the social butterfly (in the digital realm at least), scrolled through Thiadra's Sinstagram, leaving a trail of likes and an embarrassing comment on Solomon's behalf. Sirrai's Sinstagram, unlocked by facial recognition (thanks to Kolmes...unique biology), revealed a love for nature and a dedicated following (WanderlustWilds, EarthSerenade, NatureNurturer, WildHeartedWanderer).
A quick social media survey showed Lachlan with a measly 13 followers before setting his profile to private, while Kolme boasted 1,059, Solomon held steady at 296, and Corrin maintained a respectable 872, we all appreciated that Mina's would be significantly higher but alas unable to see hers for now.  

Summoning and Submersion

  Solomon, ever the practical one, summoned his warhorse Enbarr, a replica of his trusty steed. Meanwhile, Victor, inspired by the culinary possibilities of the desert, surprised the party with his improved cooking skills.  

Dreams and Demonic Depths

  Unable to resist the allure of prying minds, Kolme delved into Solomon's thoughts, uncovering a corrupted dream. Once a vision of tranquil ocean depths, it had morphed into a nightmare: a thousand red eyes glared from the blackness, a monstrous beast bound in chains. Solomon elaborated, describing a blue-skinned demon, restrained by golden chains and a scepter. This disturbing revelation cast a shadow over the party's mood.  

Sandshark Surprise and Scabbard Secrets

  Their desert journey wasn't all sunshine and sand selfies. A vicious sandshark attack left Corrin's camel a smoldering ruin. The party fought valiantly, claiming the sandshark's snout as a gruesome trophy. A chance encounter with Eldor, a wandering sun elf merchant, provided valuable information. He revealed the Tridar family's misfortune and explained the mysterious scabbard's function.  

Divine Deals and Desert Dwellings

  Solomon, ever resourceful, used his divine magic to get Thiadra's attention. The Djinn, appeased, rewarded them with a well-deserved tent for shelter during the harsh desert sun. Finally reaching the bustling city of Idwala, the party sought an audience with Mot, the quartermaster of the Radain Rhinos.  

Idwala Intrigue

  Mot confirmed their suspicions about Lachlan's curse, hinting at celestial involvement. He also questioned Minas' true enthusiasm for the adventure. The party revealed the tragic news of Sirrai's demise at the hands of the nefarious Butcher, vowing to bring the villain to justice. They explained the cult's horrifying practices: creating monstrous hybrids by dismembering the sick and grafting monstrous body parts onto unwilling victims.   Considering the pressure on the Radain Rhinos and Kolme's "liberation" from the cult, Mot suggested integrating her officially into the party, bypassing the tedious paperwork for fallen adventurers.  

Party Progression

  Delighted to be officially recognized (and presumably paid!), Victor celebrated by investing in new cooking equipment and some much-needed armor. The party then visited Mogran's for supplies. Kolme, ever the fashionista, found a unique addition to her wardrobe: a black corset that matched her skin tone.  

Edgy Encounter

  As they left Mogran's, an edgy gnome wielding a large knife sprinted towards them, desperation etched on his face. Before Solomon could react with his "Command" spell, the gnome yelled, "Wait! Wait! Wait!" This unexpected encounter left the party on edge, unsure of the gnome's intentions

Rewards Granted

Ring of Protection
Studded leather armour
+1 Longsword
3 Healing potions
Report Date
12 Apr 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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