Gromley Character in Ararim | World Anvil


Personal History

Gromley grew up in the bustling city of Umcebo, where he quickly learned the art of survival through illicit means. His keen mind and knack for detail led him to start an illegal copper coin printing warehouse, which operated successfully for several years. However, disaster struck when a fire broke out, destroying his operation and leaving him with nothing but one of the red sacks he used to carry his counterfeit coins. Realizing he needed protection and a new source of income, Gromley turned to the Red Cloaks, knowing they were in need of new members in Umcebo. Despite not being a natural fighter, his sharp mind and willingness to get his hands dirty made him a valuable asset to the group.


Physical descriptions

Appearance & Attire

Gromley is a slightly overweight halfling with slick black hair and a distinctive appearance. One of his ears is mottled and adorned with numerous piercings, a testament to his rough-and-tumble lifestyle. He has one milky eye, the result of an old injury, and his remaining eye is sharp and observant. He wears a set of borrowed leather armor that doesn't fit him particularly well, along with a red cloak that still bears the crest of the Khorun Mint, a remnant of his past life. Gromley also carries two daggers he took from a fallen comrade, which he uses with surprising proficiency when needed.


Concealed Items

Gromley always carries a small set of lockpicks hidden in his boots, a habit from his days as a counterfeiter. He also has a hidden compartment in his belt where he keeps a few emergency gold coins and a tiny vial of poison, just in case.


What do they sound like

Gromley's voice is gruff and gravelly, a result of years of shouting over the noise of his printing presses. He speaks quickly and with a certain urgency, always seeming to be one step ahead in his thoughts. Despite his rough exterior, there is a hint of charm in his voice, especially when he's trying to talk his way out of trouble.




Gromley is motivated by a desire for security and wealth. Having lost everything once, he is determined not to let it happen again. His primary goal is to rise within the ranks of the Red Cloaks, using his skills to ensure he is indispensable to the organization. He also seeks revenge against those who wronged him in the past, though he keeps this motive close to his chest.


Personality Traits

Gromley is cunning and resourceful, always thinking several steps ahead. He is loyal to those who earn his trust but ruthless to those who cross him. He has a knack for spotting details others might miss, making him an excellent planner and strategist. Despite his rough appearance, he has a soft spot for those in need and will go out of his way to help a friend.



Gromley is highly distrustful and always expects betrayal, which can make it difficult for him to form genuine alliances. His fear of sandy areas and the discomfort they cause him can also be a hindrance, limiting his effectiveness in desert environments. Additionally, his desire for revenge can cloud his judgment and lead him into dangerous situations.



Gromley believes in the value of loyalty and the importance of self-preservation. He holds the ideal that everyone should look out for themselves, but not at the expense of betraying those who trust them. He also values cleverness and ingenuity, always looking for the most efficient and least risky way to achieve his goals.

Current Location
Ocean blue
Slick black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slightly over weight
Aligned Organization


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