Idwala Settlement in Ararim | World Anvil



Major Races

Elf (Dusk Elves)


The area is governed by the Khorun Trade Council and they abide by the below laws.
Fundamental laws


The Great Bazaar
This is a massive marketplace where anything and everything can be bought and sold. The market is presided over by the guild, a powerful group of merchants who control the flow of goods in and out of the city.
  Suns Reach Academy and Lodging
A university that is dedicated to the arts of enchanting, economics, trade However the university began to attract donors and large benefactors from its alumni, which then spurred on greater status, from there enterprising individuals realized the opportunity to open spas and retreats for the parents of the students and other wealthy to enjoy the hospitality of the desert.
  Radain Rhino Ranch
The guild headquarters for the Radain Rhinos and their lodgings for their adventurers.
  Elysian Oasis Spa District
The district that now accommodates the new wealth that has poured in from alumni and the connection with the skyport to Aerilin
  Idwala Skyport
Skyship dock that is being built at the time, this is a joint development from Tradewind Transport and Khorun Trade Council
  Miners belt Before the city became a famous hub for trades, travelers, academics, and adventurers it was home to a small mining operation that still runs today. Some of the original occupants still work the mine - it's running with low taxation and low spending from the government making it equal parts lucrative and equal parts dangerous.

Guilds and Factions

Radain Rhinos
Khorun Trade Council


The city of Idwala is a sprawling metropolis that lies in the heart of the scorching Khorun Sands. It was founded by a powerful sorcerer named Zarek Hogran who sought to create a safe haven for travelers, traders, and their brave adventuring party the Hogran Hulks who bravely defended the treacherous dunes and those that call it home. Over time, the city grew into a bustling hub of commerce and magic.   The walls of Idwala are infused with a shimmering, magic sandstone that protects the city from both the blazing sun and monstrosities that may wish to attack. The streets are lined with colorful tents and stalls selling exotic goods from all over Ararim, and the air is thick with the smells of spices and magic.   The people of Idwala are a mix of races and cultures, brought together by their love of commerce and magic. The city is home to powerful sorcerers, cunning thieves, and wealthy merchants, all jostling for power and influence.   Despite its chaotic nature, Idwala is a place of relative safety in a dangerous world. The city is protected by the Howling Sands Protectorate who keep the peace across most settlements within the sands.   The desert is a harsh and unforgiving place, but for those who call Idwala home, it is a land of opportunity and adventure. Whether one seeks wealth, power, or knowledge, the city of Idwala is a place where dreams can come true - for those brave enough to seize them.


  • City map of Idwala


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