Hegerty Character in Ararim | World Anvil


Personal History

Hegerty is a middle-aged halfling with a history as colorful as the hats he used to sell. Born into a family of hat merchants in a small village, he learned the art of hat-making and trading from a young age. His family's business thrived for generations, and they were known for their exquisite and unique headwear.   However, as Hegerty grew older, he developed a fondness for spirits that would prove to be his undoing. His passion for hats slowly dwindled as his obsession with drink consumed more and more of his days. He tried to continue the family business, but his frequent inebriation and the resulting poor business decisions led to a decline in both sales and reputation.


Physical descriptions

Appearance & Attire

Hegerty stands at a modest three feet tall, typical for a halfling. His once-neatly groomed brown hair is now a tangled mess, and his potbelly suggests a fondness for hearty meals and ale. He often sports a disheveled outfit, a far cry from the well-tailored clothing he used to wear when managing his hat store.   Hegerty's attire always includes one constant: a battered and faded top hat that he rarely removes, regardless of the occasion or his level of inebriation. He believes this hat brings him luck, although recent events might suggest otherwise.


Concealed Items

A wedding band he wears around his neck to his wife, Nariella. Who passed a few summers back on a caravan to Mai-Rah

What do they sound like

When Hegerty speaks, his words are often slurred, and his voice carries the unmistakable tone of someone who has spent far too many hours at the bottom of a tankard. He's known for his frequent bouts of laughter, even when there's nothing particularly funny happening.




Hegerty's primary motivation these days is to find the next tavern or alehouse. His social circle has dwindled, consisting mostly of fellow patrons of the establishments he frequents. He doesn't aspire to much beyond enjoying his drink and the company of like-minded individuals.

Personality Traits

Amiable Hegerty is generally friendly, even when intoxicated, and enjoys striking up conversations with strangers.
Carefree He rarely worries about the future or the consequences of his actions.
Stubborn Hegerty refuses to acknowledge the severity of his drinking problem, often brushing off concerned friends and acquaintances.



Alcoholism His overindulgence in alcohol has become a severe problem, affecting his health and livelihood.
Neglectful Hegerty has neglected his once-thriving business, leaving it in a state of disarray. Short-sighted He seldom considers the long-term consequences of his actions, leading to poor decision-making.



Freedom: Hegerty values the freedom to live life on his terms, even if those terms revolve around alcohol.
Hedonism: He seeks pleasure and gratification in the moment, often to the detriment of his future.
Companionship: Despite his drinking problem, Hegerty craves the companionship of others and enjoys socializing with fellow tavern-goers.

Current Location
Year of Birth
2400 62 Years old
beady green eyes
flowing oily grey and red hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Gond, god of craft
Ruled Locations


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