
Personal History

Kapambola, or "Kap" as he is known to his patrons, is the formidable owner of Kapas Kabana, a rough-and-tumble outpost in the heart of the Khorun Desert. Born to a clan of ogres in the Dwarven territories, Kap is a half-ogre, half-cyclops with a unique heritage. Discontent with the violent and oppressive life of his tribe, Kap ventured into the desert to carve out his own path. He built Kapas Kabana with his own hands, using compacted earth and stone to create a haven for travellers, traders, and outlaws alike.   Despite the rough exterior of his establishment, Kap maintains a strict code: no trafficking of people, and any bloodshed must occur outside the premises. This code has earned him a reputation for fairness and integrity in a lawless land. Kap once had an encounter with a Sultan who wished to incorporate Kapas Kabana into his Sultanate, but Kap declined the offer, valuing his independence over the Sultan's protection and taxes. Although this angered the Sultan, the outpost's remote location made it less valuable than the effort required to police it, allowing Kap to continue his operations unimpeded.

Physical descriptions

Appearance & Attire

Kap is an imposing figure, standing tall and weighty with a robust build. His skin is a rich mix of dark brown and black, and he has a single large green eye that seems to see right through a person. Kap's teeth are unsettlingly perfect and straight, contrasting sharply with his two tusks, each adorned with silver caps. He wears a sturdy leather apron, brown loose trousers, and sandals, practical attire for his work and the harsh desert climate. When outside, he dons a light shawl to protect his sensitive eye from the glaring sun.

Concealed Items

Kap keeps a hidden stash of healing potions in a compartment under the bar, a precaution against the frequent brawls that occur outside his establishment. He also has a finely crafted dagger concealed in his apron, a relic from his days as a scavenger, and a small magical amulet that provides protection against scrying and magical detection, ensuring his privacy and safety.

What do they sound like

Kap's voice is smooth and commanding, with a gruff undertone that leaves no doubt about his authority. His tone is generally calm and measured, but there is a steely edge that warns against testing his patience. When he speaks, people listen, whether he's negotiating a trade or laying down the law. Despite his rough exterior, there is a warmth and sincerity in his voice when he speaks about his establishment and the life he has built.



Kap is driven by a desire for independence and a peaceful life away from the violence and chaos of his clan. He values the tranquility of the desert and the freedom it affords him. His main motivation is to maintain Kapas Kabana as a safe haven for honest trade and respite, enforcing his strict rules to ensure it remains a place of relative peace in a lawless land. Kap also has a deep-seated need to prove that he can create and sustain something valuable on his own terms, free from the oppressive control of his clan or any external authority.

Personality Traits

Kap is a fair and just leader, respected by those who frequent his establishment. He is firm but kind, and his word is law within the walls of Kapas Kabana. He is resourceful and hardworking, traits that served him well in building and maintaining his outpost. Despite his gruff exterior, Kap has a warm heart and a genuine concern for the well-being of his patrons. He is also a shrewd negotiator, able to strike deals that benefit both parties while maintaining his strict code of conduct.


Kap's independence and stubbornness can sometimes work against him, making it difficult for him to accept help or advice from others. His strict adherence to his personal code can also lead to conflicts, especially with those who do not share his values. Additionally, his past with his clan has left him with a deep mistrust of authority figures, which can cloud his judgment and lead to unnecessary confrontations.


Kap believes in freedom and self-reliance, valuing the ability to live life on one's own terms without interference from others. He holds a deep respect for fairness and integrity, enforcing his rules to ensure that Kapas Kabana remains a place of honest trade and respite. Kap also believes in the importance of community, seeing his establishment as a sanctuary for those who, like him, seek a peaceful and independent life away from the violence and chaos of the wider world.

Items for sale

Kap is always willing to trade or purchase interesting items, particularly those that align with his values and needs.
Current Location
Green eye
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark brown and black
7ft 3'
Ruled Locations


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