League of Ledgers

The standings of last years League

Final standings for the 2,461st Adventure League


The League of Ledgers is the complete rule book that defines the roles and relationships between each of the guilds within The Adventurers League and the Adventurers that form part of it.

Document Structure

Legal status

All contracted adventurers and guilds are bound under the League of Ledgers and answer to the Adventurers League for any breaches of conduct.

Historical Details


The significance of this document was to clear all points of concern between adventurers, the guilds they desired to be a part of and the league that managers the guilds.
Adventuring in its infancy was simple, a quest required doing and an adventure could be had doing it. As the realm of Ararim evolved as did the way of adventuring, and guilds were formed to help keep adventurers in their best condition and the league to ensure everyone had an equal and fair representation. This document outlines the rules and regulations of the league and the different aspects of adventuring.


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