Lupecia Character in Ararim | World Anvil


Personal History

Lupecia, the enigmatic female werewolf. Her past remains a well-guarded secret, leaving much speculation and curiosity among those who encounter her. It is rumored that she had once led a pack of werewolves in the wilderness, but the details of her journey and how she came to be involved in the bustling bazaar of Idwala remain elusive.   Role in the Bazaar
Lupecia has carved out a unique position within the bazaar, serving as a highly sought-after trader and information broker. Her connections within the underbelly of Idwala and beyond have earned her a reputation as someone who possesses valuable knowledge and resources. Whether it's acquiring rare artifacts, obtaining discreet information, or striking backroom deals, Lupecia is the go-to individual for those who are willing to pay the price.   Information Trading
Lupecia's knowledge and information are highly coveted commodities. She operates by her own set of rules, offering her insights to the highest bidder. However, the cost of acquiring her information is not always measured in gold or currency alone. Lupecia is selective about what she shares and to whom she reveals it. She may demand favors, secrets, or even the completion of dangerous tasks in exchange for her services. Those seeking her assistance must be prepared to pay the price she deems fit.   Lupecia's presence in the bazaar adds an air of intrigue and danger. Those who seek her out must tread carefully and be prepared to offer something of value in return for her services. Whether her motivations are driven by personal gain or a deeper purpose, one thing is certain: Lupecia's knowledge and connections can be the key to unlocking hidden truths and gaining an advantage in the complex and ever-changing world of Idwala's underbelly.


Physical descriptions

Appearance & Attire

Lupecia's dual nature is evident in her physical appearance. In her human form, she exudes an air of alluring mystery, with long flowing locks of raven-black hair and piercing amber eyes that seem to hold a touch of wildness within them. Her features are sharp and elegant, reflecting an inner strength and cunning. She typically chooses to hold herself in a half form, too keep herself equal parts beautiful and beastly.   However, it is when the moon rises, and the transformation takes place, that Lupecia reveals her true self as a werewolf. Her fur is a mix of dark and silver-gray, shimmering under the moonlight, while her eyes glow with an intense amber hue. In her lupine form, she possesses an uncanny grace and power, commanding a presence that demands respect.

What do they sound like

Lupecia's voice carries a sense of both mystery and confidence. When she speaks, her words are measured and laced with an air of intrigue. Her voice has a mesmerizing quality, drawing listeners in and leaving them hanging on her every word.




Lupecia thrives on the acquisition and dissemination of information. She revels in the power that knowledge brings and seeks to leverage it to her advantage. Her social motivations revolve around gaining influence, building connections, and amassing wealth through her trade in secrets. She values her autonomy and cherishes the freedom that her web of contacts affords her.

Personality Traits

Cunning and shrewd
Mysterious and enigmatic
Resourceful and adaptable
Unpredictable and independent


Distrustful of others
Prone to secrecy and withholding information
Can be ruthless and manipulative


Power: Values the acquisition of knowledge and resources as a means of asserting control and influence
Self-Preservation: Prioritizes her own well-being and survival above all else
Intrigue: Thrives in the world of secrets and hidden agendas, finding excitement in the unknown
Current Location
Year of Birth
2381 81 Years old
Dark Amber
Dark black and silver hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light tanned skin
Malar, god of the hunt
Ruled Locations


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