Skulls Rest Building / Landmark in Ararim | World Anvil

Skulls Rest

History & Introduction

The Skulls Rest tavern, owned by Lupencia, has become an iconic establishment within the bustling city of Idwala. With a rich history dating back several decades, this renowned tavern has welcomed countless patrons seeking respite, camaraderie, and a taste of adventure. Lupencia, a shrewd and enterprising individual, recognized the need for a gathering place that catered to all walks of life, regardless of their affiliations or backgrounds.

Physical Description


The Skulls Rest stands as a striking structure amidst the sandy streets of Idwala. Its unique design combines functionality with an air of mystique. The tavern boasts a series of interweaving sails that form a canopy, providing much-needed shade for patrons seeking refuge from the scorching desert sun. The billowing sails create a picturesque scene, evoking a sense of adventure and beckoning travelers to step inside. The exterior walls are leathered skins of large beasts stitched together, the puncturing wounds that sealed their fate acting as a way to create cross ventilation from one side to another. As the sun sets, the tavern takes on a magical ambiance, courtesy of the enchanting glow emanating from the arcane lanterns suspended throughout the establishment. The soft, warm light bathes the exterior, drawing in patrons and illuminating the surrounding area with an inviting aura.


Upon stepping into the Skulls Rest, guests are greeted by a spacious and vibrant interior. The tavern's layout boasts rows of sturdy timber tables and accompanying bench seating, inviting patrons to relax and socialize. Each table features a stained white runner running down its center, symbolizing its affiliation with the Skulls Rest. At the heart of the tavern, a large central bar takes center stage. Crafted meticulously, the bar's surface is a mosaic of intricately arranged bone fragments, creating a visually striking focal point. Off to one side is a raised stage platform, an area more commonly taken for a bard, however with smatterings of crimson on its floor. This stage is used mostly to sort out grievances between patrons than the strumming of a lute.

Auditory cues

Within the Skulls Rest, the air is alive with a symphony of sounds. Conversations fill the space, punctuated by bouts of hearty laughter and animated storytelling. The clinking of glasses, the occasional cheers from lively competitions, and the harmonious strumming of wandering bards intertwine to create a vibrant tapestry of auditory delights. As the evening unfolds, the sounds of brawling emanate from the small raised platform, where challenges are met with enthusiasm and camaraderie.


As guests settle into the Skulls Rest, the air becomes infused with tantalizing aromas. The savory scent of freshly prepared meals wafts from the small closed-off section where dedicated chefs diligently work their culinary magic. Mouthwatering dishes ranging from hearty stews to delectable roasted meats tempt the senses, while the distinct fragrances of various ales and spirits intertwine, creating an inviting atmosphere that entices patrons to indulge and savor the offerings.

Items for sale

Goblins Gold Ale - 2s
Sunfire Reserve Red - 2s
Crafted in a farm a few miles out of town, it's a full-bodied red with tarty notes of blackberries, cherries and smokey spices.
Desert Spice Roasted Chicken - 10s
Succulent chicken marinated in a flavorful blend of desert spices, roasted to perfection, and served with a side of roasted vegetables.
Sand Dune Stew - 10s
A hearty stew featuring tender chunks of braised beef, root vegetables, and aromatic herbs slow-cooked to create a rich and flavorful broth.
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