Minerva Novarix

Personal History

Minerva Novarix's journey to the Court of the Divine began in the mortal realm, where she dedicated her life to the service of Pelor, the sun god. As a devout paladin, she wielded her faith like a beacon of hope, dispelling darkness wherever it lurked. Under the banner of Pelor, she served as a stalwart defender of justice, enforcing the will of her god with unwavering determination.   Her reputation as a righteous crusader spread far and wide, earning her the favor of her sovereign, who entrusted her with the task of meting out justice in his name. With each swing of her blade, she sought to purify the world of sin and corruption, viewing herself as a divine instrument of Pelor's will.   Upon her ascension to the ranks of the divine, Minerva carried with her the same sense of duty and conviction that had guided her in life. Now, as the Angel of Purification and Redemption, she sits in the Court of the Divine on behalf of Pelor, a relentless advocate for the strength and supremacy of the gods.  


Physical descriptions

Appearance & Attire

Minerva Novarix cuts a striking figure in the Court of the Divine, clad in gleaming white armor adorned with radiant symbols of Pelor. Her armor, a reflection of her unwavering devotion to her god, serves as both protection and proclamation of her divine authority. Her glowing strands of hair resemble captured sunlight, cascading around her like a halo of brilliance.   Despite her radiant appearance, Minerva's dark complexion and piercing green eyes lend her a haunting visage of beauty, hinting at the intensity of her inner fire. She carries herself with an air of regal confidence, every movement purposeful and deliberate, commanding the attention of all who dare to gaze upon her.  

What do they sound like

Minerva Novarix speaks with a voice that resonates with righteous fervour, each word carrying the weight of divine judgment. Her tone is stern and commanding, befitting her role as the Angel of Purification and Redemption. Yet, beneath the stern facade lies a hint of compassion, for Minerva believes that even the most wayward souls are deserving of Pelor's grace, should they choose to seek it.  




Minerva Novarix's motivations are driven by her unwavering faith in Pelor and her staunch belief in the superiority of the divine over mortals. She sees herself as a champion of the gods, tasked with enforcing their will and ensuring that mortals recognize and respect their divine authority. Her ultimate goal is the purification of the world, the eradication of sin and darkness, and the redemption of those who stray from the path of righteousness.  

Personality Traits

Minerva Novarix is known for her unyielding resolve and uncompromising principles. She is a harsh critic of mortals who fail to acknowledge the strength and sovereignty of the gods, particularly her god, Pelor. Her demeanor in the Court of the Divine is often stern and imposing, as she brooks no dissent when it comes to matters of divine law and justice. Despite her formidable presence, Minerva possesses a deep well of compassion for those who seek redemption, believing fervently in the power of Pelor's grace to cleanse even the most tainted souls.  



Minerva's unwavering devotion to Pelor and her zealous pursuit of divine justice can sometimes blind her to the nuances of mortal existence. Her relentless pursuit of purification and redemption can border on fanaticism, leading her to view mortals as little more than pawns in the grand scheme of divine providence. Her tyrannical approach toward mortals has earned her a reputation as a ruthless adversary in the Court of the Divine, with many choosing to steer clear of her formidable presence.  



Minerva Novarix upholds the ideals of righteousness, justice, and divine sovereignty above all else. She believes fervently in the power of Pelor to bring light to even the darkest corners of the world and sees herself as a beacon of that divine radiance. Her actions are guided by a steadfast commitment to upholding the will of her god and ensuring that mortals recognize and respect the authority of the divine.  

Deep green
A curling mass of black with golden beads of light through it
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pelor, God of healing, sun and summer
Aligned Organization


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