Keyes: Here comes the sun Plot in Ararim | World Anvil

Keyes: Here comes the sun

Quest complete

  Keye's resolved this by befriending Nyx and agreeing to her protection.     Quest points
Keye's has cursed Pelor, the Sun God, which is a terrible act of blasphemy within a temple dedicated to the deity. This transgression has angered Pelor, and Keye's now faces a series the ire of a God. Keye's must appease Pelor or risk being consumed by the sun's fury.   Keye's for the first day has felt an irritating heat but what more is to come?  
Phase 1: Dimmed Radiance
The first angel will appear and ask for the sinner to repent - if he repents here nothing happens, otherwise the following occurs.   Keye's feels a constant, gnawing fatigue. He suffers disadvantage on all Constitution checks related to exertion. Sunlight offers no warmth, only a cold, pale imitation. Plants Keye's tends begin to wilt. A faint, spectral brand appears on his skin, a burning reminder of his transgression.   Quest Hook: The party can seek guidance from a wise cleric or oracle to understand the source of Keye's affliction and learn of a potential way to appease Pelor. This might involve retrieving a sacred artifact or performing a specific act of charity.   Phase 2: Waning Light (3-4 Sessions):
The second angel will appear and ask for the sinner to repent - if he refuses again the angel will again disappear.   Keye's suffers from recurring nightmares of a dying sun and a world consumed by darkness. He has to beat a DC12 CON save to achieve a long rest Magical healing spells cast upon Keye's are less effective, halved in potency. The spectral brand on his skin grows hotter, causing him 1d4 fire damage each dawn. Creatures from the Shadowfel are drawn to Keye's location and will attack the party.   Quest Hook: The party might encounter a celestial being or ambassador of the Raven Queen who offers a cryptic clue or bargain. Perhaps a rare herb bathed in moonlight can counteract Pelor's wrath, or a forgotten ritual involving celestial alignment could offer temporary reprieve.   Phase 3: Shadow's Embrace (5-6 Sessions):
The third angel will appear and ask for the sinner to repent - if he refuses again the angel will say "Thibaut, this is not the cross you need burn upon, repent!"   Keye's physical form weakens. He has a disadvantage on attack rolls and his movement speed is reduced by 10 feet. Sunlight becomes unbearable, causing him to take 1d4 radiant damage each time his skin is in direct contact. The spectral brand burns constantly, dealing 3d4 fire damage each dawn. Strange shadows begin to follow Keye's, whispering doubts and fears. He has disadvantage on Charisma checks and now only speaks in celestial.   Quest Hook: The party may discover an ancient library or a hidden grove guarded by nature spirits. Here, they might unearth a lost prayer or a forgotten symbol that can appease Pelor's wrath.   Phase 4: Twilight's Descent (7-8 Sessions):
The forth angel will appear and ask for the sinner to repent - if he refuses again the angel will say "Thibaut, your light is fading if you do not repent your soul will be burnt in holy fire and you will be sent to hell"   Keye's is wracked with pain. He has disadvantage on Dexterity checks and suffers vulnerability to radiant damage. Daylight becomes agonizing, forcing him to take refuge in deep shadows or caves. The spectral brand sears his flesh, dealing 4d4 fire damage each dawn. Keye's connection to the weave weakens. He can no longer cast spells or use any sources of magic.   Quest Hook: The party are directed to the forgotten pools of Arastasia a temple that holds the key to directly communing with Pelor. This might involve a grand sacrifice or a perilous trial to prove Keye's remorse.   Phase 5: Sun's Immolation (9+ Sessions):
All of the angels will appear and ask for the sinner to repent - if he refuses again the angel will say "Thibaut, today is your day of reckoning and your final hours on the material plane before the fathers light will consume you, use your hours wisely child"   Keye's final hour approaches. He is wracked with searing pain and his body begins to wither. He has disadvantage on all saving throws. Sunlight becomes a deadly force, instantly dealing enough radiant damage to render him unconscious. The spectral brand burns with infernal intensity, threatening to consume Keye's very essence. The party witnesses visions of a world plunged into eternal darkness as Pelor's light fades.   Climax: In this final phase, the party has a limited window to complete the ultimate act of redemption for Keye's. This could involve a desperate plea for forgiveness directly to Pelor, a grand public display of selflessness, or the sacrifice of a powerful artifact to rekindle the sun's radiance.  


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