Nyx Morvain

Personal History

Nyx Morvain's journey to the court of the Raven Queen began in the mortal realm, where she served as a sin soother in the house of an unknown god. In this role, she listened to the confessions of sinners and offered them absolution for their transgressions. Nyx was entrusted with countless secrets, whispered in hushed tones by those seeking redemption. Despite the weight of these burdens, she remained steadfast in her vow of silence, never betraying the confidence of those who sought her counsel.   However, her commitment to secrecy eventually drew the attention of a nobleman within the town. Concerned by Nyx's intimate knowledge of the town's darkest secrets, he viewed her silence as a threat to his own status and power. In a bid to silence her forever, the nobleman orchestrated Nyx's untimely demise, fearing the consequences of her knowledge falling into the wrong hands.   Yet, even in death, Nyx remained true to her oath, carrying the secrets of the mortal realm with her into the afterlife. It was this unwavering commitment to discretion that caught the attention of the Raven Queen herself. Impressed by Nyx's steadfast resolve and intrigued by the depth of her silence, the Raven Queen bestowed upon her the mantle of an angel, welcoming her into the court of the divine.  

Physical descriptions

Appearance & Attire

Nyx Morvain possesses an ethereal beauty that captivates all who behold her. Her long, flowing white hair cascades like a waterfall of moonlight, framing her fair skin. Dark velvety black feathered wings sprout from her back, a testament to her celestial nature. She often adorns herself in a long black lace dress that trails behind her as she moves, exuding an air of elegance and mystery. Her most striking feature, however, is the ornate black mask crafted from Raven's feathers that conceals her face, hinting at the enigmatic nature of her being. She completes her attire with ornate gloves, adding a touch of regal sophistication to her appearance.  

What do they sound like

Nyx Morvain speaks with a voice that is both soothing and commanding, her words carrying the weight of centuries of wisdom and experience. Her tone is caring and considerate, yet beneath the surface lies a hint of the darkness that lurks within her soul.



Nyx Morvain harbors a deep empathy for the plight of humans and the secrets they keep from one another. She believes that secrecy is a form of self-preservation, shielding individuals from the judgment and criticism of others. Her motivations stem from a desire to protect those she deems worthy, guiding them through the shadows and offering them solace in times of darkness.  

Personality Traits

Nyx Morvain possesses a caring and considerate demeanor, always striving to offer guidance and support to those in need. She is respectful and polite in her interactions, displaying a regal grace befitting her position in the court of the Raven Queen. However, beneath her composed exterior lies a shroud of mystery and intrigue, hinting at the depths of her true nature.  



Despite her noble intentions, Nyx Morvain's penchant for secrecy can sometimes lead her down a path of manipulation and deceit. She is not above using her powers to achieve her goals, even if it means sacrificing the trust of those around her. Additionally, her disdain for those who seek validation from mortals can sometimes border on arrogance, leading her to dismiss the perspectives of others without proper consideration.  



Nyx Morvain values autonomy and self-reliance above all else, believing that true strength lies in one's ability to navigate the complexities of life without relying on the opinions of others. She sees herself as a guardian of secrets, wielding her knowledge and influence to protect those who seek refuge in the shadows. Her ideals are rooted in the belief that everyone has the right to privacy and autonomy, and she will stop at nothing to ensure that those rights are upheld.  

Dark purple
Long flowing silky white hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
The Raven Queen, Matron of Death
Aligned Organization


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