Party: Things that go flap in the night

The party has stumbled into the silk storage of Nira's family shop, where she has been housing a giant Slumborox a moth whose poison puts people to sleep.   She has asked for it's safe return in exchange for 50gp.   She has mentioned she doesn't want to enlist the Haine who is a master huntsman in Umcebo.  
Up next
Have reports of idle workers in areas that Gideon may go and hide
Prior information
They have been harvesting the silk of the moth that is imbued with its poison - through the silk the poison is mostly nullified and creates properties to assist people in falling asleep.   The party have accidentally let the moth loose into the night and Nina has come to check on it.   She will explain the sleeping qualities the moth's silk has and this is why she has kept it for so long. She is concerned where it will go and what it will do.   She will offer them a 50gp reward to find it.


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