Soloman: A Light in Dark Places Plot in Ararim | World Anvil

Soloman: A Light in Dark Places

A hunger wells within and a desire for more power - but at what cost?    
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This is the corrupting process of Soloman as he looks to gain his warlock abilities. A divine being simply known as Razmael will grace the party after the loss of Mina, he will show her in hell being clawed at in the Ostramuk. He is not your typical overly righteous being, it is not Mina's fault she's fallen to where she is. He will offer a guiding light to aid her out of the Ostramuuk and in return he may call on the party for small favours. He will respect that they are an ambitious bunch and cautious to make deals especially given the environment, but he noticed the divine among them showed great promise and wishes to offer a helping hand.   Mention the location of a sceptre of the light mother, a minor diety who does not exist. He knows that it has been lost in time, deep in the prison plane of   Introduce a Plane Strider - he has all the tuning forks bar 1 which is the fork to the plane of Carceri - Which is the plane of prison, the most vile and   His aim is to gain their trust and slowly influence them toward getting a divine sceptre, this scepter can only be raised by a paladin, once removed it will unbind Mina's uncle and he will be free to return to hell once more. He has a score to settle as he was wrongfully done for Demonic Fraud. The Scepter is actually a hammer of the dawn father used to dispense justice on devils and bind them. These hammer's can only be wielded by paladins. Hence why he wants Solomon to go and retrieve it and unbind
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