Thorin Character in Ararim | World Anvil


Personal History

Thorin's life took an unexpected turn when he was framed for a murder he did not commit. Originally a fencing instructor for a noble family in Gowtenham, he had trained the family's daughter to become a fencing champion. However, her reckless behaviour led to a tragic incident where she killed a city guard while intoxicated. To protect their reputation, the family framed Thorin for the crime. Fleeing from a wrongful death sentence, Thorin escaped on a cargo ship bound for Umcebo. With no place to turn, he eventually joined the Red Cloaks, using his skills to survive and seek revenge against those who betrayed him.


Physical descriptions

Appearance & Attire

Thorin is a lithe, tall half-elf with short brown hair and freckles scattered across his nose and cheeks. His dark brown eyes hold a depth of experience and a hint of sorrow. Despite the hardships he has faced, he maintains a dignified appearance, wearing a set of fine, though now worn, clothes. Over these, he dons leather over pants and a pair of fencing shoes with leather leg strappings, remnants of his former life. Completing his ensemble is the signature red cloak of the Red Cloaks and a menacing rapier, always at his side.


Concealed Items

Thorin carries a hidden locket with a picture of his former student, a reminder of both his past and his betrayal. Additionally, he has a small, concealed dagger strapped to his ankle, a last-resort weapon should his rapier fail him.


What do they sound like

Thorin's voice is smooth and articulate, a reflection of his noble upbringing and years of instructing. He speaks with a calm, measured tone, rarely raising his voice. When he does, it is with a commanding presence that demands attention and respect. His accent carries a hint of sophistication, betraying his origins despite his current circumstances.




Thorin is driven by a desire to clear his name and seek revenge against the noble family that framed him. He also seeks to protect those who cannot protect themselves, a remnant of his time as an instructor where he valued nurturing potential. His loyalty to the Red Cloaks is born out of necessity, though he dreams of a day when he can live without constantly looking over his shoulder.


Personality Traits

Thorin is disciplined and meticulous, traits honed through years of fencing instruction. He is also fiercely loyal to those he trusts and has a strong sense of justice. Despite his current predicament, he remains courteous and maintains a level of sophistication in his interactions. He is a natural leader, able to inspire and command respect from those around him.



Thorin's quest for revenge can sometimes cloud his judgment, leading him into dangerous situations. His past has made him somewhat distrustful, and he finds it difficult to fully open up to others. Additionally, his adherence to his own code of honor can put him at odds with the more ruthless elements of the Red Cloaks.



Thorin believes in justice and personal honor above all else. He values loyalty and camaraderie, seeing the Red Cloaks as a necessary means to an end. Despite his involvement in criminal activities, he strives to maintain a personal code of ethics, avoiding unnecessary cruelty and seeking to protect the innocent whenever possible.

Current Location
Dark brown
Long flowing brown hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Short black hair
Aligned Organization


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