Ganesha Species in Arbaday, World of the Forgotten | World Anvil
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The elephantine sages who dwell in the mountains

Ability Score: Ganesha are hardy and wise, but due to their hermit lifestyles they are gruff and hard to get along with. They gain +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, and take a -2 penalty to Charisma.   Type: Ganesha are Large sized Humanoids with the Ganesha subtype.   Speed: Ganesha have a base speed of 30 feet.   Senses: Ganesha have scent out to 60ft.   Keen Perception: Due to their large ears and long trunks, Ganesha are incredibly talented at picking up on smells, and are incredibly perceptive of the world around them. They gain a +2 racial bonus to perception checks.   Trunk: Due to their thick muscular trunks Ganesha are capable of using them as if they were a separate hand to pick up objects at their leisure. They cannot wield weapons with their trunks, but they can retrieve small, stowed objects carried on their persons as a swift action.   Ki Conduits: Due to generations of living a balanced and harmonious life, all Ganesha have subconsciously built Ki Paths throughout their body. Ganesha gain 1 Ki point that stacks with other Ki points. By spending 1 Ki point, they can use the Light Steps (Ex) Ninja Class Ability.   Nimble in body, mind, and soul: Due to their never ending quest to better themselves in body, mind, and spirit, Ganesha are not only more nimble and acrobatic, but are also well versed in lore and knowledge, as well as a unique style of performance all their own. Ganesha gain a racial +2 bonus on all Acrobatics and Perform skill checks, as well as any one knowledge skill of their choosing.   Tusks: Ganesha have two large Tusks coming from the sides of their mouth. They have a Natural Gore Attack for 1d8 base damage, and when they hit with their gore attack they can make a grapple check against the target of their attack as a free action. They also receive a +4 bonus on combat maneuver checks made to start and maintain a grapple. (This counts as the ‘Grab’ universal monster rule.)

Basic Information


Ganesha stand as tall, towering behemoths, looming over most other humanoids resembling giant bipedal races, with massive trunks and tusks and giant ears. They possess enhanced muscle mass and trunk like-legs to support their size, and more dense bones as well for the same purpose.

Genetics and Reproduction

Ganesha reproduce through sexual reproduction as usual for humanoid creatures - Ganesha females carry their children inside of them for anywhere between 10-12 months before giving birth.

Growth Rate & Stages

Once born, Ganesha reach adulthood around age 20. They become middle-aged around age 50, reach old around age 75, and become venerable around age 100 and die shortly afterwards.

Ecology and Habitats

Ganesha are most comfortable in jungles and plain-like environments, though they have migrated into the mountains many centuries ago.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ganesha do not eat meat - their diets are consisted of various plants and vegetables. They can digest meat, but simply prefer not to eat it.

Biological Cycle

As they age, Ganeshas age mostly as Humans do - though they lack hair, their skin shrivels and their body grows more and more infirm with age until they eventually wither away.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Ganesha faces resemble those of elephants, with trunks, big floppy ears, and tusks.

Average Intelligence

Ganesha have higher than average intelligence due to long memory and long lives.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Ganesha have incredibly keen senses of smell - their long trunks afford them much in this regard, and assist them in detecting creatures and things by scent out to nearly sixty feet.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Ganesha names tend to draw from either the Arabic or Hindu lexicons.   Male: Sharad, Narayana, Mahava, Rajendra, Bilal, Nizam, Zavier, Jerico   Female: Versha, Priya, Sambridhi, Aaina, Fakira, Aliyah, Suhaira, Iraja   Family: Malhotra, Jadhav, Sarkar, Bhatava, Abdul, Ismail, Zamani, Miah
100 Years
Conservation Status
Ganesha are most commonly found in The Dreamlands, and are less commonly found in The Stormland Empire. They are rarely found anywhere else.
Average Height
10'0 - 14'0ft
Average Weight
1,200 - 3,200lbs
Average Physique
Ganesha are tall and towering, with thick muscular bodies and trunk-like legs. They have durable ivory tusks capable of bludgeoning and ramming, and a prehensile trunk attached to their face.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Ganesha have grey skin that can be sometimes light or dark brown. Their tusks are ivory white, and their eyes can be various wild colors - and tend to be the only colorful part about them. Their eyes are rarely the same color.

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