Human Species in Arbaday, World of the Forgotten | World Anvil
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The versatile people who are the most populous in the world

[Humans are the Master at what every there try to do. There may not be as good as a Master who has put 50 years at the one Craft, but there are still within the top 30% after a couple of years. It is the Speed that Humans are adapt, learn, and change that is scariest about them. Humans are on the way of becoming the Masters of this world.
Ability Score: Human gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice do to represent their varied nature. Type: Humans are Medium sided Humanoids with the Human subtype. Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet. Bonus Feat: Humans lead to faster thin mast other. Humans select one extra feat at 1st level. Skilled: Humans can pick up skill faster this most other. Humans gain an additional skill rank at 1st level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level. Focused Study: Humans are skillful, tend to specialize in a handful of skills. At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, such humans gain Skill Focus in a skill of their choice as a bonus feat.
  Heart of The Land: Humans are one with the lands they live on and know how to live with it. There may pick any one of the following:
  Fields: Some who live within in rural areas are used to hard labor. They gain a racial bonus equal to half their Hit Die to any one Craft or Profession skill, and once per day they may ignore an effect that would cause them to become fatigued or exhausted. Forest: Some who live within wild, know how to be part of it and take the from of the animals that live in them. They gain a racial bonus equal to half their Hit Die to Survival and there may take the form of a beast, as Beast Shape I, once a day. Hills: Do to a live of working and living in some of the eoughest groups with there herds. They gain a racial bonus equal to half their Hit Die to Handle Animal and may ignore all forms of natural difficult terrain. Mountains: The wind gest will cast most to the batten of the cluffs, and kill them, but to the ones how Call them home know how to not be moved is a big thing. They gain a racial bonus equal to half their Hit Die to Climb and once per day for one minute, there cannot be moved used any manes other than their own movements speeds. Sea: Kowning how to fight with the Water is more then just swin in it.. Only a set faw eho call the Sea home now how.. They gain a racial bonus equal to half their Hit Die to swin and they fighting and casting underwater with on penalties. Snow: being one with the Show you live in is not the some as being part of is. Some humans know how to be pert of it. They gain a racial bonus equal to half their Hit Die to ride and they can ones a day, make an attack miss. Street: Information is the great weapon with in a city, and most know how it get it.. They gain a racial bonus equal to half their Hit Die to knowledge (Local) and they may once per day cast Ears of the City, but it takes a minute instead of rounds. Sun: Teade is the live blood of the deep deserts, but it is with the mosting of the night and day. They gain a racial bonus equal to half their Hit Die to apprise and once per day depending on the time of day they can make the all of the damage form an attack do Fire damage when the sun it up, or Cold damage when the sun is down. Swamp: Knowing what can kill you may keep you living, but knowing how to use that to there full power is what give them an upper hand. They gain a racial bonus equal to half their Hit Die to heal and they once a day gain regenerate 10 for 1 minute, with in this min there can regrow any last limbs within this minute.
  Mind of The Spirits: Humans have the most diverse ways of see how the spirits, this gives ways of thoughts. There may pick any one of the Following:
  Alligator: The ones who follows the Alligator are send to have ancient wisdom, primal instincts, and good fortune. There action and deal with the actions afterwards. Within First Round of Combat you may make a Charge attack, within the movement they may takes up to one 90° turn, and they ignore difficult terrain, and move through allies. Bat: The ones who follows the Bat are aware of there own states of consciousness, inner awareness and a familiarity with darkness. There go base off there feels and can have a little care for others feelings when making a changes. Once per combat as an Immediate Action they can move up to half of there move speed, just before an attack is made. Bear: The ones who follows the Bear are a guardian forces and strength. There look to the safety of those they care about to guide their actions. As an Attack of Opportunity they may make a free grapple check. They may only do this once per a Round. Cat: The ones who follows the Cat are elegance, curiosity, independence, and magic. There like to know and learn about everything, even if it may kill them. Within first round of combat, as part of a charge, there have Pounce. Cow: The ones who follows the Cow are grounded and strong. There like to take thing one step at a time, Living for the now and to weather the storm. They count as one size category larger for bull rush and get improved bull rush as a Bonus Feat. Crane: The ones who follow the Crane are longevity, focus, discipline, and vigilance. There like to keep on the move within life, there like to master there craft, and there thank for the long read. As an Attack of Opportunity they may they may make a parry and riposte, as per the Swashbuckling deed, but needing to use a second Attack of Opportunity. They may only do this once a round. Crow/Raven: The ones who follow the Black Brid are associated with life mysteries and magic. There like to push boundaries of not only this selfves but limits in society as a whole. You gain a bonus to the steal combat maneuver enemies no longer get the bonus for having items tied down. Stag: The ones who follow the Stag are vigorous, graceful and see to be natural leaders. They are looked to have the answers, and have the humility to ask for help. They gain Powerful Charge, giving them an additional 1d8 point of damage on a charge attack. Dog/Wolf: The ones who follow and are pert of the Pack have loyalty. They care about and for there family and friendship. They will fight to the death for ones there love. They gain improved trip and all weapons there use have the trip weapon special quality. Elephant: The ones who follow the Elephant are patience, wisdom and an unseenable strength. They are willing to teach and not help someone. They count as one size category larger for Trample and Overrun, and there have a 1d6 Trample attack. Fox: The ones who follow the Fox are adorable and charismatic. They peoples person and love being with and working with other, if there will do as there say. They may Feint as a move action, and if there take the Improved Feint when there make a Full Attack, there may give up an attack to Feint. Hawk/Eagle: The ones who follow the SkyLord have ambition, duty, fortitude, and willpower. They are going to keep moving to and accomplished their goal at all costs, and through any hardship. They gain low-light and the ability to notice minute details as if you were up close up to 1 mile away. Owl: The ones who follow the Owl have a deep connection with wisdom and intuitive knowledge. They seek understanding within everything there do. They enemies only gain half of the bonus for flanking them.
  Body of The ancestors: Humans have Elves and Orcs as there ancient ancestors, and there still show some of there traits. They may pick one any of following:
  Orcish Healing: Some Humans have ability to recover very quickly, and live longer then others. They gain have Fast Heating 2. Orcish Magic:Some Humnas have see wthin Darkness, and use pert of the dark magic of the Orcs. They may cost Darkness once a day with a caster level. As well as there can see through all forms of Darkness cost by them. Elven Resistance: Some Humans are more resistant to magic like there Elven ancestors. They gain a +2 racial bonus to saves against spells and spell like abilities. Elven Senses: Some Humans have an acute awareness of their immediate surroundings. They gain Blindsense 15ft and Blindsight 5ft

Basic Information


Aside from their otherwise normal anatomy, Humans have the ability of their elven ancestors to adapt to the land that they live upon at a rapid speed, growing more accustomed to life there much more rapidly than other races would.

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans reproduce sexually, with females coming down with child and carrying them to term over the course of months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Humans, once born, are fully grown by age 16, hit middle age by age 30, reach old age around age 50, and become venerable and die shortly thereafter once hitting age 60.

Ecology and Habitats

Humans can adapt and thrive in most any enrivonment save the most extreme.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Humans are omnivores and can eat most anything, but generally have a diet of grain and leafy greens focused diet.

Biological Cycle

Their skin wrinkles and their hair turns grey as they age, their bodies becoming more and more infirm with each passing year with potential memory and mental issues plagueing them once they reach their later years.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Humans tend to cohere in large family groups consisting of multiple pairings of male and female.

Average Intelligence

Humans are such a populous race that their intelligence is used as the measure for the average intelligence for an intelligent creature.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Human names are short and simple with a heavy focus on vowels. A human can have up to 8 or 9 names. All humans have a Given Name - this is the one they will give to everyone, and use for people they do not know often given to them by their parents. A Personal Name is a shortened version of the Given Name used for friends and others interactions that are well known to each other. The Parenthood Name is used by one’s children. The Intimate Name is used with one spouses. A Family Name is given to one after one's Mother's family name. The Surname is only use if they are of the nobility, and it is taken after one's Father if so. The Clan Name is taken from one's family as a whole after multiple pairings have been set, and will change with marriage.   Male: Grimwald, Burkhard, Vetochkin, Rozovsky, Domezia, Cristofor, Timothée, Michaël   Female: Rosamunde, Cirsa, Drotenkova, Shlykova, Jasmine, Amalia, Annabella, Hélène   Family: Bösch, Petrovich, Bradforde, Andreevna, Civitello, Mancuso, Grandis, Dubos   Clan: Droz, Beaux, Alu, Sarli, Daube, Froste, Färber, De Groot

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
60 years
Conservation Status
Humans are the most populous race in the world and can be found most anywhere, but tend to congregate in and around the Sundered Lands.
Average Height
Males: 5'8 - 6'6   Females: 5'8 - 6'2
Average Weight
120 - 250lbs
Average Physique
Their physique can vary wildly from individual to individual.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They tend to be tall, dark, and tan. Their hair is generally black but can be red, though it is extremely rare.
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