Wolvin Species in Arbaday, World of the Forgotten | World Anvil
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The furred warriors who constantly seek thrill, be it in battle or drink

All-Male Race

Racial Traits

Ability Score: Wolvin are fast, strong, and understand how to work themselves in with anyone, but do not like to take the time to think things through.They gain +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom, and -2 Intelligence.   Type: Wolvin are Medium sized Humanoids with the Wolvin subtype.   Speed: Wolvin have a base speed of 40 feet.   Senses: Wolvin have Scent 30ft, and Low-Light Vision, and can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.   Outlived: Wolvin do not live long and seek to live their live to the fullest. Wolvin see fighting, drinking and just making themselves known as one of the best things in life. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Initiative as well as Diplomacy, Sense Motive, and Perform checks.   Fearless: Wolvin do not have feelings for fear, for that are looking for the next thing to overcome. Wolvin are immune to all fear effects.   Natural Armor: Wolvin gain a racial +2 bonus to their natural armor due to their innate ability to sense danger.   Moon’s Warriors: Wolvin have DR 5/Silver and gain a racial +2 bonus on all Will Saves, as they are the warriors of the Moon and have seen her as their source of power and life.   Lifebound: Wolvin try to live their short lives to the fullest, and so they gain a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against death effects, negative energy, negative levels, and Constitution damage.   Bite: Wolvin have a primary Bite attack that deals 1d8 base damage. They can attempt to trip their opponent as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity if they hit with it. If the attempt fails, they are not tripped in return.   Claws: Wolvin have two Claw attacks that both deal 1d6 base damage.   Four-Legged Runners: As they do not use mounts, Wolvin still run as their ancestors did - by getting down on all fours and running alongside their pack. While down on all fours they cannot make non-natural weapon attacks or claw attacks, but their movement speed increases to 60ft and their bite increases to 2d6 damage.   Vulnerability Silver: Wolvin have a hatred for Silver, and cannot stand its touch. They take 150% damage from Silver weapons, and cannot be in contact with silver for more than a minute otherwise they take 1d4 nonlethal damage every minute they remain in contact with it. This nonlethal damage cannot be healed by magical means.

Basic Information


Wolvin appear to be, for all intents and purposes, bipedal wolves that resemble werewolves more than anything else. They are furry with medium to long length fur, but otherwise possess normal humanoid internal anatomy.

Genetics and Reproduction

As an All-Male race, Wolvin rely on other races to mate with, and have only been known to be able to reproduce with Kitsune - other races, it is believed, are all but incapable of being impregnated by them except in incredibly rare circumstances.

Growth Rate & Stages

Wolvin are normally fully grown by 10 and are considered adults by then, and tend to die off before they reach the age of 20 - though this is more attributed to their reckless lifestyles than any actual disease or defect. The true lifespan of the Wolvin people is unknown, but theorized to be at least on par with the Kitsune.

Ecology and Habitats

Wolvin can adapt to almost any environment, changing themselves in subtle ways if they spend long enough in a given area.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Wolvin diets are very meat and fish heavy, and otherwise only eat root vegetables on top of this.

Biological Cycle

Unknown. They rarely live long enough for others to discover how they age.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Wolvin faces are characterized by their long furred snouts, furred ears, and normal eyes.

Average Intelligence

Wolvin tend to have intelligence on par with or less than humans - they are easily distracted and rarely show insights of good intelligence, and consider them 'a waste of good living time'.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Wolvin have an intensely keen sense of smell that lets them identify the locations of others at but a sniff, and eyes adapted to conditions of low-light that let them see better.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Wolvin names are short, sweet, and to the point - they are easy to say and simple to understand. Wolvin prefer short names rather than long ones, as in the time they spend saying a long name, they could be spending that time better celebrating life by fighting, drinking, etc. They don't often have surnames. If they do, they have taken their pack name as their surname.   As they are are an all-male race, their names are only male.   Male: Muzaka, Maduke, Razzak, Lennix, Kazyr, Rurrga, Fenrik, Kentas
The Sunrise Lands
Unknown. On average, 20 years.
Conservation Status
Wolvin are found mostly in the northern areas of The Stormlands, but can be found in small concentrations everywhere.
Average Height
5'6 - 6'6ft.
Average Weight
200 - 400lbs
Average Physique
Wolvin tend to be well-built and furry with tails and long-snouts, resembling bipedal wolves.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Wolven can have fur and eyes of almost any color - any natural color can be found on Wolvin fur, ranging from grey to orange. They can have spots and stripes both as patterns on their fur.

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