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Arbaday, World of the Forgotten

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Arbaday is a world that has been abandoned, claimed, reclaimed, lost, and forgotten all within the relatively short time of its existence. The World was made by the Old Gods, and they almost immediately abandon Arbaday after setting the world in motion, leaving only the Maker Races left on this world, forgotten in the Old Gods' relentless drive to create newer worlds. Soon the Elder Orcs and Beastman come to the world through the ways left by the Old Gods, and their opening of the ways allowed the Primordials to emerge from their alien realm to claim the world. Later the storms come, killing the last of the High Races, leaving Arbaday with their ruins and weakened remnants. From there the High Dragons were birthed from the world itself and rapidly came to rule over the whole of the Arbaday. Just as the world starts to rush towards a new height in magic, society, prestige, and technology, the first fall arrives. The Moon of the Year, Saryn, falls from the Sky, heralding the end of the High Dragons. Then the second moon falls from the sky: the Moon of the Week, Fe'sau. This cataclysm finally draws the attention of the Old Ones away from their incomprehensible artifice, forcing their return in an attempt to reclaim Arbaday. The war that comes destroys entire swaths of the world, with coastlines redrawn and countries destroyed or lost entirely. Massive areas were left as nothing more than wastes. And the world is rebuilding and recovering for the 3rd time as the Force of Life and Magic is starting to run out little by little.  


The Draconic Calendar   An Overview of the People of Arbaday   Languages of Arbaday   Areas of the World   People Groups of Arbaday   The Gods

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