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Gilded Cage

In all of Arbor there is no place like the Gilded Cage. For all it's glitz and glamour though it is simply a bordello a place where one can explore pleasure in all its myriad forms. But to hear those who have been and truly been touched by it, you could liken it to a church or place of worship. Situated in the Second Ring and being purpose built by it's original master the Maven, it somehow seems grander and more special than all the other buildings that surround it, round where most are square, brightly coloured in a sea of dull brick and brown roofing. The building stands out and insists upon itself forcing one to look at it and acknowledge that while many may not like the house of ill repute it will not shy away and it is not ashamed of what it is.  
"No place like it in the whole city, hell I expect no place in the whole world" - Patron of the Gilded Cage




Rising against the backdrop of the First walls is an incredible building. A circular edifice in sea of boxy hard edged structures. The Gilded cage stands out from the crowd around it not only with it's silhouette but with the architecture employed. It is a massive round building with long golden pillars that wrap around the building cradling the soft egg white walls underneath. Each wall is hardly plain though and upon close inspection is etched with imagery of fairy creatures in an ecstasy that could only be called rapture.  


Inside the Cage is a true wonder the round building allows for individual rooms to be situated all along the ring each with views outward should the need arise and isolated them from each other. No two rooms are exactly identical as well and each cater to a specific desire need or want. Below the ground floor is another levels where performances both sexual and not take place pushing the envelope of entertainment and pleasure. In this area the basement is a beautiful and birghtly coloured thing that is lit by magic where dancers can control intricate and complex patterns to accentuate a performance.  


Specifically the Gilded Cage is there to house the many workers of The Songbirds. In some cases it serves as both home and place of work though many do have residences elsewhere in the city. In addition it is where the grand performances are held though many of these are done in the basement the exception being the grand orgy, where every room and surface within the building is dedicated to the carnal pleasures. But for all it's glitz and glamour this is a place where the citizens of Arbor go to indulge in their carnal pleasures though many find what they are looking for, more than one leave feeling they got what they needed instead.  


The Cage and it's construction harken back to the original Maven or the Artist as he is sometimes known. After the transformation of the original home of the Songbirds the Cage was commissioned by the Maven as a place where the true beauty of desire could be made manifest in this mortal plane. The best builders and craftspeople were commissioned with ludicrous sums of money to build to the Maven's exact specifications. Half of them said it would fall over during the first strong wind or during the winter months when the snow would pile so high it would collapse the ceiling in. But he pressed on regardless and enough money will deal with any doubts. When it was completed as the story goes all the builders held their breath expecting it to fall and instead witnessed the building simply settle into itself as the last beam went into place and the supports were removed.   With the initial construction complete furnishings and other interiors were added and during the grand opening once the first show had commenced on the floors of the gilded cage, it's owner vanished. Since then the building has passed hands from Maven to Maven always in a mask and many thinking that while they were sure of the line of succession most find it difficult to picture the new Maven without their mask.  


Impossible Construction
Shortly after completion the builders responsible for the Cage began vanishing, dying or leaving Arbor all together. One was last seen running through the streets saying he solved it that the Gilded Cage should have fallen and should still fall that every piece within it was held up by every other piece a spiral of impossible construction that had no end or beginning.  

Special Properties



Within the walls of the Gilded Cage no person can become pregnant no matter how many times or how hard they might try.  

Slight Euphoria

While inside the gilded cage and not in the lobby there is a slight sense of euphoria that permeates the entire building and all of it's guests. Some have described it as taking a small amount of the drug Bliss though it is difficult to say if this is accurate or not. No source has been identified for this particular effect though every Maven since the first has given a different answer.  

Otherworldly feeling

For those attuned to the world and in better control of their facilities there is a feeling that stepping over the threshold of the Gilded Cage is like stepping into another world. Few members of the Collegiate Arcanum deign to visit the Cage but on the rare occasion that they do their mages have said that it is not unlike when they enter the ethereal plane. A sense that the building and its contents is not completely in Arbor.
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