The Vision Concert Hall Organization in Arbor | World Anvil
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The Vision Concert Hall

A Concert hall like no other. The Vision Concert Hall promises visual and auditory experiences like no other. In contrast to The Blind Players or The Songbirds who rely purely on the content of their performances to delight their audiences the Vision Concert Hall takes advantage of the latest in psychotropic, hallucinogenic and mind altering substances to enhance their performances to a degree unfounded in any other place. Indeed it is here that the greatest designer tonics are concocted and distributed to the elite of the city. Every night a new blend of chemical delights is created for each show to enhance it to it's utmost both for patron and player.  
"The Vision Concert Hall is like no other place I have ever been. The combination of stunning visuals, incredible music and mind-altering substances creates an experience that is truly out of this world. The designer tonics that are offered at each performance are the cherry on top, taking the experience to a whole new level. I have never felt so alive and transported as I do when I am at the Vision. It is a must-see for anyone who wants to experience something truly unique and unforgettable." -patron of The Vision

Public Agenda

The Vision is a place of wonders and decadence. It's main mission is to provide an theater experience that is impossible to replicate anywhere else. They do everything they can to ensure that their patrons come away with a smile on their face and far lighter pocket books to boot. They have an incredible amount of competition though with their unique performances they have secured themselves a small niche among the discerning clientele of the Arbor elite.  

Public Perception


Lower Class

Most people in the lower class would have never even heard of them much less hadd any opportunity to see a show so they remain another thing that the Rich use to prove they are better than those they deem beneath them.

Middle Class

Fro much of the middle class the Vision is something of a right of passage into high society being invited by your boss or manager is seen as a right of passage into greater things so much so that it is an event of a lifetime.

Upper Class

Always seeking greater thrills and the new, the vision is just another in a long line of indulgences that the elites of Arbor use to take up the time in their otherwise uncluttered and unbothered lives.


The Vision started out as a normal thearte with plays crafted and celebrated by all who came to visit. In fact the grounds it stands on in the First Ring are some of the oldest in Arbor only beaten out by some of the churches that still stand in the Inner Ring.   Plays, musicals, operas and concerts of all kinds have been held in the Vision and until recently the venue was separate from the acts to be performed.  

The Vision Starts

in it's earliest days the Vision was simply a concert hall where music was played for the locals and their families as a form of entertainment. On rare occasions this function still exists though far more rarely. The vision was originally owned by The Order of the Fallen Leaves as way of distracting the local population from more troubling things.  

A change of hands

Eventually the Vision made it's way into new ownership, and with that new ownership came more risque less conservative plays some even directly opposed to the churches views and ideals which put them at odds with the ruling classes. This made times difficult for the Vision and it's owners eventually culminating in a second change of hands as it was sold again  

New Life

As the church waned in power though some of the plays that had been deemed to daring to attempt while they maintained a vice grip on the city began to see the light of day and now the Vision became known as a place where provocateur art had found a home. In addition to this style they began to push the envelope on how to engage and delight their audiences with new experiences.  

A New Direction

A breakthrough in ideas now brought to fruition spurned greater and more experimental forms of plays, songs and performances until a woman appeared on the scene to really push the envelope of what could be done with art. Euphoria introduced the ideas of hallucinogenics and psychotropics to not only aid in their plays but to rely on their particular enhancements to really bring the performance to life for her efforts she was catapulted to the height of stardom and beyond her name being spoken of in the legends of the arts.  

Carrying on

After Euphoria ended her career, the plays, performances and other shows that took place upon the stage at the Vision paled in comparison to what was so the Vision pivoted to solely performing things in the former style and came back into their own owing all their current success to the method that was pioneered by that one performer.  

Attire / Common Garb / Quirks:

The clothing and costumes that the various members of the Vision concert hall wear vary from performance to performance, but it should be noted that those handing out the enhancements are always clothed the same in white doctors coats, and indeed many of these on staff have medical training looking for signs of adverse reactions it would not do to have a patron die of some interaction that they were not aware of.  

Available Enhancements


Structure and Hierarchy:

The vision is split into two main branches, management and talent. The two branches intermingle and depend on each other to put forth a successful show but while the management largely stays the same throughout a season the talent can change on a near weekly basic depending on scheduling and show length.  


Those players on the stage who bring to life stories and experiences. The talent also provides some guidance on what psychotropics to administer though much of this is handled by the management. Broadly speaking the talent is the actors, actress, singers and stage crew that put on a performance.  


This group of people is the business side of the Vision they arrange the talent make sure their needs are met and provide the various concoctions that are imbibed by the partrons. They also take and distribute tickets and handle the money. Their role is to make sure everything runs smoothly up to the point the performance starts and remove any problematic patrons should something happen.  

Notable People

  Euphoria - The Performer who pioneered the current trend and prevailing cash cow for the Vision  

Notable Structures:

  The Vision Concert Hall
Entertainment, Troupe
Alternative Names
Related Items


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