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Arborean Fae

A fae for all seasons

  Arborean fae are those fae and fae-kin who are thought to be native to Arborea, or were common in both Arborea and the Feywild. The classification is very broad and can encompass both species (those born fae) and identity (those who regard themselves as fae, even if they are of mixed heritage).
  Following the Upheaval, it is common writing practice to refer to fey in Arborea as 'fae', while all other fey remain 'fey'. The prounication remains the same, subject to regional dialects.



  Eladrin, otherwise known as Bright or Light Elves, are the native elven species to Arborea. They have a strong affinity for the natural potency of Arborea and can be found in all manner of societies across the realm. Many Eladrin have very elongated ears and skin tinged with a hue resembling one of the four seasons. For this reason, individual eladrin whose skin hue tends towards a particular season may refer to themselves as Winter Eladrin, or Summer Eladrin, etc., though this practice has diminished due to the actions of Lolastre, the Autumn Queen. Nevertheless, some eladrin use the appellation in spite of the poor association in an effort to reclaim what they regard as a misuse of their heritage.
  Eladrin occupy all manner of professions and positions throughout Arborea.



  Shadowfae or Dark Fae most often refers to those fae who drew specific power from the Shadowfell on behalf of the corrupted Court of Eyes, however can also refer to any fae - or any other species - who served with or identified as supporting The Court of Eyes during The Upheaval. Pockets of the former continue to occupy positions of note within the reformed Court of Eyes, though remain circumspect in their use of Shadowfell power.
  Some also continue to refer to anyone residing within The Courtlands as Shadowfae though this use is regarded as being out-dated and intolerant by citizens of high repute.
  Shadowfae occupy any profession and position they are tolerated within, meaning most congregate within The Courtlands. The fortune of Shadowfae beyond the Court is often at the mercy of the local populace and differs throughout Arborea. Pockets of Shadowfae still loyal to Lolastre (Lolastrians) are widely condemned and hunted when discovered.


Corrupted Fae

  Corrupted fae are those who were irrevocably altered through exposure to the Shadowfell. They differ from Shadowfae - their exposure magnified, amplified, or otherwise transformed their existing skills and powers, at the cost of their mental stability. Corrupted fae have no ongoing connection to the Shadowfell, unless they were Shadowfae with Shadowfell powers first - who became the most dangerous of Corrupted fae.
  Many Corrupted fae were unwilling participants, and even those who willingly subjected themselves to the Shadowfell rituals emerged with their emotional stability in tatters. As a result, Corrupted fae became the bulk of the Court forces, with populations of fae throughout Arborea decimated due to the Court's nefarious practices.
  Corrupted fae are found through Arborea, their positions and professions dependant on their willingness to reform and the state of their mental stability. Many Corrupted fae in the wilds of Arborea are considered feral and highly dangerous, lost to their insanity. See: Corrupted Fae



  Ghaele are the most reviled and despised of the forces of the Court of Eyes, having formerly been an elite Eladrin force sworn to guard the visiting Courts of theh Feywild and maintain peace throughout Arborea. Before their Fall, Ghaele were dedicated to maintaining the natural balance throughout the Wild Realm and kept their interference to a minimum, unless necessary. Given they were the means by which Arborea was supposed to maintain a natural neutrality, their betrayal is both tragic and unforgivable.
  Many of the Ghaele either became Shadowfae or Corrupted, depending on the needs of the Court. They formed the bulk of the officer cadre and military leadership for Court forces, including serving as elite guards for Court notables, including Lolastre herself.
  Due to their Fall, Ghaele are hunted and occupy no authorised position or profession in Arborea. Ghaele's distinctive natural patterning of vegetation covering their bodies, in many cases hardening to form armour-like protection or flowery clothing suited to a Fey Court, means any remaining Ghale are restricted to the wilds of Arborea.



  Some former Ghaele who left prior to the Fall or servants of the Ghaele who escaped being Corrupted used the term Free-Eladrin to disassociate themselves from their former positions and masters during the Upheaval. Most of now refer to themselves as Owena or Owena Elves to align themselves to non-Court inhabitants of Arborea.
  Unfortunately, because of the binding patterning of the Ghaele, those who refused to serve the Shadowfae and were imprisoned or escaped being Corrupted are difficult to tell apart from the other Ghaele and face ongoing persecution no matter their role in the Arborean War. For this reason, many have sought magical means to disguise themselves or try to reduce the vegetative covering that was once a mark of respect.
  Those Free-Eladrin who occupy positions of note within Elcona do so with the protection of senior leadership of the Scions of Owena and are often involved in ongoing rehabilitation of less fortune Free-Eladrin.



  Owena fae are those fey who came to Arborea's defence during the Upheaval from other realms, mostly the Feywild. They are named for the Owena family whose manor was Shifted in 15PS and whose patriarch, Elcon Owena, raised the Resistance that later became the alliance between the Yhagrex Horde and the Scions of Owena. Those who reside in the nation of Elcona are also called Owena, though the two can be mutually exclusive (i.e., some Owena fae may not choose to identify themselves as Owena citizens).
  Due to the presence of the Owena family, Owena elves are also called Grey Elves, the Owena family's original designator.
  Owena fae are numerous throughout Arborea, occupying all manner of professions and positions.

"Bloody balls, how many kinda elfs and faeries are there now? Tella what, I'm gunna call 'em as I see them. That over there, with the wings and tiny arms - tiny elf. That one with the shiny armour - medium elf. Them green giants we fought - big elfs. Fine, fine, I hear ya. Tiny fae, medium fae, big fae. Sheesh, already. Happy?"   - Bax Bigdong, He Who Spoke for the Dragons, amateur biologist, overheard while walking the streets of the new Owena capital, Owena, post-Upheaval.

The Fall of the Ghaele

  Like the fall of the Autumn Court itself, few understand the reason for the Fall of the Ghaele, though many speculate the ennui that struck at the heart of Lolastre was contagious once aired, infecting the elder leadership of the once-loyal Eladrin force. Perhaps being forced to watch silently the mad frolics of the Feywild Courts for eons finally wore them down. All work and no play makes Eladrin going crazy (eventually).   What is known is the Fall of the Ghaele wasn't as swift as many had first thought but rather moved like a slow blight, unnoticed until it gained critical mass and metatisized. By the time anyone had noticed, the Ghaele had betrayed their former charges and were marching helpess fae into the Cracked Palace to emerge Corrupted. Without the strength and competence of the Ghaele, it's doubtful whether the Court of Eyes would have come so close to destroying Arborea.   The Ghaele's betrayal sent shockwaves through the Fey Courts, resulting in numerous fey forces being sent to reinforce native Arborean defenders. Before Arborea's severance from the other planes, scholars of the Fey Court were arguing the 'cockatrice and egg' problem with regards to the Ghaele - did the despair of the Shadowfell cause them to Fall or were they accepting of the Shadowfell because they'd already Fallen to despair? Unfortunately, for all Arboreans know, the debate still rages.

Cover image: by Tavis Newsome


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