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The Cohorts of Wamper's Feast

From obscurity to legend

  To date, there have been two Cohort's from Wamper's Feast, both serving very different purposes. Due to the prominence of the First Cohort, the exploits of the Second Cohort are known mainly to the residents of Wamper's Feast only.

First Cohort

  The First Cohort comprised songsell X'ankris Ni-Celenist, barbarian Bax Bigdong and warlock La'had. The exploits of the First Cohort are legendary and known throughout Arborea but can be summarized succinctly as rising from relative obscurity following the Shifting of Wamper's Feast to challenging the might of the Shadowfae-infected Court of Eyes to halt the invasion of the Shadowfell realm. Each member of the First Cohort was instrumental in ending the Shadowfae threat:  
Bax challenged and defeated Yhagrex-Lon, the mother of the Yhagrex draconic horde, and convinced her replacement to unite with the Owena forces to fight the Court of Eyes

X'an inspired the various Arborean fae to unite behind Elcon Owena, then repeated the feat with the (new) Yhagrex-Lon horde

La'had infiltrated the Autumn Court itself and, from his position as Lolastre's consort, betrayed her at a pivotal moment to loosen her control of the magicks opening Arborea to the full might of the Shadowfell realm.


The Second Cohort

  The exploits of the Second Cohort are often over-looked for their important role in the aftermath of the Upheaval but have helped shaped the new Arborea following the War.   The Second Cohort, often called the Explorer's Cohort, comprised of two war veterans, both dwarves from Wamper's Feast - the mountaineer Bogart Looms and healer Murderin' Tom. Together, these two dwarves crossed the length and breadth of Arborea in the years following the war, obstensibly to provided the first detailed map of the realm. Natural storytellers both, their innumerable conversations with all manner of creature, beast and fae were used by X'ankris Ni-Celenist, along with his own oral gatherings, to form his seminal work on the Arborean War 'The Conflict That Twain the Realm'. Originally an exercise in accurate cartography, Looms and Tom's collected works now chart the pre-eminent history of the changing of Arborean society, from isolated rural settlements within an untamed wilderness to the rise of civilised cities and boundary-marked nation-states.   Original maps drawn by Looms and Tom are highly valued with a thriving blackmarket in forgeries and antiques.

Absent heroes

  For all their exploits, the members of both Cohorts are now, ten years after the end of the Upheaval, strangely absent from public life.   X'ankris is thought to reside with Elcona, the Owena captial, while Bax divides his time between almost inaccessible peaks in the Brackenthorn Ranges, the swampy smog of the Dragonlands, and the occasional visit to Elcon.   Looms and Tom left Wamper's Feast in 8EH and have yet to be sighted since. Their latest exploration set off to investigate new leads regarding the Disappeared Dwarven Families in an undisclosed site in either Mycondia or the Brackenthorns, depending on what version of the story people hear. The lack of contact from Looms and Tom, usually diligent in ensuring their presence remained well tracked, leaves the residents of their famous village significantly concerned.


What's in a name anyway?

  The use of the name 'cohort' was widespread throughout Arborea prior to the Upheaval, adopted by various villages, settlements and communities based on the Ghaele's use of the same designation for the basic unit within their ranks.   It is likely that the continued use of the name would have diminished if not for the heroics of the First Cohort from Wamper's Feast, given the disrepute of the Ghaele at the end of the War.   The term is still used throughout Arborea though in some places its use has been supplanted by other names with similar meanings, such as cord, or clutch, or quiver.

Cover image: by Tavis Newsome


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