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The Arborean Lands

Cultural event

23 Leafall 3EH

Bogart Looms and Murderin' Tom, Arborea's pre-eminent explorers and estemed Second Cohort of Wamper's Feast, print their seminal map of the realm, The Arborean Lands. Immediately accepted as the foundational piece of Arborean cartography, originals of the map are near priceless and were used by the three Arborean powers to establish general agreement on the extent of their territories. Patrons all over Arborea eagerly await their next ground-breaking work, The Looms and Tom History of Arborea, A Pictorial Guide Without Peer.

Related Location
Wamper's Feast
Related timelines & articles
The Looms & Tom History of Arborea (article)