
Located on Dahunai Island in Euhukoa Empire, Deverim sits close to the northwestern edge of the island next to a lake and is surrounded by farmlands that border a forest. It is not divided by any walls inside of the city and as such doesn't have any distinct districts. This is because of most of the city was destroyed in a devastating incident and was later rebuilt without the previous separating walls and only a strong outer wall.    However, inhabitants still call areas of the city by the old district names which there were three of before the destruction of old Deverim. The districts were named Fisherman's Ward, Midtown Ward, and Outer Fields Ward based on the natural sections of the city as it expanded outward from the first walled in area next to the lake.


In year 1530 in the Age of Awakening a terrible disaster happened in Deverim. Several uncontrolled portals opened up in areas in and around the city. It would have been terrible enough if the portals led to just one different plane but that wasn't the case. In fact, the portals opened up to the two worst planes imaginable to have interact with each other on the Prime Material plane: the Nine Hells and the Abyss.    So as devils and demons poured out of these portals to wreak havoc amongst mortals, they discovered their sworn enemies doing the same thing and went to war against each other. With no concern for all of the mortal blood spilled amongst the chaos, the fiends tore each other apart and most of the city along with them. The amount of devils and demons were so great that The Mender's Guild could not hope to fight and win against them all so they focused on sending covert teams to close the portals and evacuate civilians.    By the time that all of the portals had closed and no fiends were around to fight anymore, having either killed each other or grown bored and returned to their home planes through other means, thousands of people were dead and more than two thirds of Deverim had been destroyed. The people that had managed to flee slowly returned to see if anything remained of their homes or if they could find other survivors. The Mender's Guild and others sent by Empress Irixis as well as volunteers banded together to clear out the debris, give the dead proper burials and salvage anything that could still be used.    Slowly but surely over the years Deverim was rebuilt, although it looked very different from what it had before. The city is now bigger than it was before it was destroyed in what is known as the "fight of the fiends" in a slightly underwhelming title for what was such a devastating event. There are still people who survived the disaster who live in what they call the new Deverim but most of them are very reluctant to speak about the experience.
Founding Date
Approximately 17,330
Location under
Owning Organization


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