Furiorios, Comet Furies

... in the distant lands, beware the pitted sands in storms where comets gather in abandon!

"In the deserts, avoid clouds with silver linings."
— Bub Stubbs, man of many words
Amongst the cold deserts of the world, there is a phenomena that occurs, hailed as Furiorios. When air-light minerals reach into the clouds, they plummet to the sands and snow in the form of hail stones. Of the minerals, a special type of dust from Moon Stones is captured in the clouds, then released in periodic bursts. These aren't the only kinds of precious minerals that are collected- iron, copper, silver, and gold have been found after a sudden storm. Those who find shelter and survive the maelstrom may return once the dust has settled to find caches of rare and unusual mineral ore strewn about the sands.

Fury of the Storm


The Furiorios is also referred to as the Comet Furies. Due to the mixture of Moon Stone dust and ice, it isn't difficult to tell when a Furiorios will appear. During the day, a dark storm cloud appears, transforming the sky with a cloudburst. For some time, it will appear to be framed by a silver lining before colorful flashes of lighning begin to form. Cacophonous thunder roars as flashes of sparkling, radiant wisps , flares, and prismatic apparitions inside the inky clouds. If you can hear the sound of pelting rain, then it is too late; one has reached the threshold of the Furiorios.

Force gales send dust and ice through the air, causing blindness. Travelers must wear protective clothing and eyewear to protect their faces. Thick sheets of the icy sleet shear the wind, often flaying flesh with chilly sharp and serrating snow. Air pressure within the Furiorios becomes denser, as the explosive, radiant bursts finally come to an explosive halt. Then, the comets fall.

One after another, orbs encased in colorful auras begin to fall, their chromatic tails leaving trails of scattered icy shards and diamond dust streaking across the sky and to the sands, where they land with force enough to leave impact craters. If one can reach the eye of the storm safely, they may escape the ferocity of this chaotic storm, for the Furiorios seldom fall within the center of the storm. As the storm moves into regions with different barometric pressures, it begins to dissipate, leaving behind a Pathon rainbow, complete with all 10 colors of the prismatic band.


Mythos & Phenomenon

The Furiorios phenomenon became less frequent as the world became warmer and the conditions that created Furiorios, such as Moon Stone or precious minerals, became more scarce. Still, there are plenty of conditions in the colder regions which might promote a Furiorios storm, such as:

  • Powerful Magical effects utilizing Cryomancy, Pyromancy, Aeromancy & Mirnamancy to affect weather conditions. Certain Omphali may also promote the correct conditions.

  • Presence of the eclipsing Moons in low-pressure zones experiencing intense temperature extremes. Doesn't occur during a Trinity Eclipse, but may appear more frequently during Dual Crescents.

  • Regions with high altitudes, cold desert plateaus. There are a few regions, including Arcadia and Caewyld that experience Furiorios regularly.

  • Localized Wild Magic effects may create a Furiorios.

Furiorios, Sky Pillars

Safe Haven against the Furies

There is a long held debate as to the origins of the Furiorios. Mythologists believe they formed as a reaction to the 2nd Moon. This explains traces of Moon Stone found after the storm. Mystendr, Goddess of Moons once revealed to the Myst Folk the lunar cycles that Furiorios followed in cold regions. They used this knowledge to protect their vessels and traverse the cold lands.

Furiorios aren't considered magical in nature. While they seem to manifest randomly, they can be predicted, saving many from devestation caused by these calamitous conditions. Burrows and dens could be found in known storm locations, sheltering those from fallen ore. These safe havens included shrines to Mystendr, where offerings of Moon Stone were left behind.

Natural Phenomenon

Comet Furies, Furiorios

Author Bio
Hello! My name is "Myth Cross"- enthusiast of Art, Music, Games, & Stories; an aspiring Game Dev, Writer & World- Builder! I've made these my Life's passion!   My mission is to write enchanting and compelling Stories that people can interact with!   Epic Sagas! Living through Love & Experience!   "Arc Sagas" is my 1st Step towards those Goals!   This is a Legacy Project that has seen over 10 years of development! Progress on the Video Game led me to seek World Anvil as a Platform! Now, I spend much of my time developing content and expanding the setting here! You're invited to join along! I'm always happy to meet new Writers & World-Builders!   I'm the Founder of "Story-Teller's Circle"- a Discord server specialized and dedicated to a vibrant & inspiring community of self-driven WA Writers & World-Builders! We support each other's goals and celebrate the milestones of our fellow Authors, encourage others to share their work, to seek publishing and promotional opportunities, and otherwise provide a safe, friendly environment for developing ideas & embracing your own talents!   "Story-Teller's Circle" is dedicated to fostering the next Generation of Fantasy Writers, right here on World Anvil! Discover new Worlds, expand your Horizons, and make a new friend! Share your experience and enrich others! This is the essence of the Story-Teller's dynamic!



Author's Notes

5th Article of Summer Camp 2024. I first mentioned this phenomenon in the Caewyld, Cold Fields. If I had more time, I might talk about the mines that form in these areas, but until then, I got to keep moving on to the next Article. Still haven't published a single Article for SC yet! But, for now, this one is published so... "cool."


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